music in the park, psychedelic furs

I applaud your editorial on Nov. 21, concerning the state’s
fiscal irresponsibility.

I applaud your editorial on Nov. 21, concerning the state’s fiscal irresponsibility. (They remind me of Gilroy Unfit School District.) I just spent a week in Tennessee. They get by fine on 9 percent sales tax (just slightly above the 8.25 percent we pay), no income tax, and very low property tax.

Compare this to our mean 9 percent income tax rate and our outrageous property tax rate.

Their schools look like actual buildings and not grass-shacks like Gilroy High School. 87-octane gas is $1.19 a gallon (compared to $1.69 here), and their roads are in much better shape (while subject to worse weather).

We went through this exact nonsense during the era of Governor Moonbeam; the more tax we pay, the more they will spend. Having just given Moonbeam’s lapdog four more years, look for taxes and debt to increase even more. Doubt it? The Legislature is about to meet in special session to “rethink” (i.e. overturn) the two-thirds voter approval protection against tax-hikes. The cretin who pretends to represent us in the Assembly has been very clear in his opposition to two-thirds protection; is it too early for a recall effort?

Alan Viarengo, Gilroy

Submitted Tuesday, November 26 to ed****@ga****.com

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