An excited John Brewer accepts the award for ‘shining star.’

– It may not be Hollywood, but the Morgan Hill Playhouse
welcomed a house packed full of stars at South Valley Civic
Theatre’s Member’s Choice Awards Show Saturday.
MORGAN HILL – It may not be Hollywood, but the Morgan Hill Playhouse welcomed a house packed full of stars at South Valley Civic Theatre’s Member’s Choice Awards Show Saturday.

“I think everyone had a great time,” show coordinator Rebecca Little said. “The evening provides an opportunity for everyone to come out and get dressed up. There is a lot of camaraderie and support of others. We don’t take each other too seriously. It’s just a night of fun.”

The evening began with glitz and glamour as thespians, producers and techies alike, arrived in tuxedos and formal gowns.

“When else do we have the chance to dress up?” asked Cara Kaiser, who was decked out in a full-length black velvet dress, complete with elbow-length black gloves.

As soon as the show began, the audience made it clear the evening was about having a good time.

Rod Pintello, Rich Kaiser and Steve Spencer made their grand entrance dressed as elderly ladies, complete with stockings, wigs and accessories. The audience continued laughing, as the three croaked their rendition of “There’s No Business Like Show business.”

Little directed the three-man “choir.”

“You can’t go wrong with men with knobby knees, dressed up in hats,” she said.

The season’s musical, “Sugar,” earned the most awards, including best show, director, choreographer, set design, actor and six other awards.

Winners, voted for by members of SVCT, took the stage, hugging presenters and offering modest thank-yous to directors, casts, crews and families.

There were also review performances from the season’s plays, including “Sugar,” the children’s show “Follow That Rabbit,” “Gypsy,” “Lend me a Tenor” and the teen show “Sleepy Hollow.” The stage was adorned with set pieces from previous performances.

David Sandhu, who won best youth actor for “Sleepy Hollow” and best youth supporting actor for “Sugar,” sang about the headless horseman with fellow cast members.

“It was fun. I don’t do it for the awards, but it’s cool that they come along with it,” he said.

Sandhu’s mother, Maureen Imagawa also took home awards for best director and set design in “Sugar.” During her speeches, she expressed her gratitude to those involved in the show and joked about her tyrannical mission to get the most out of her cast.

“I’m surprised. I was in excellent company with the nominees. It’s humbling and an honor,” she said. She also expressed her appreciation to SVCT for providing such a supportive family for her children to grow up with.

John Brewer, recipient of the shining star award and Freddie Fuentes, best actor, performed ‘Ma-Ma-Ma Maaad” from ‘Sugar.” They stepped on stage adorned in dresses, feather boas, stockings and red lips to top it off. Their hip shakes and flirty glances reminded everyone why they enjoy being involved in the theater company.

On top of that, the evening’s slide show proved that despite the long rehearsals and seemingly endless work, people keep coming back show after show. SVCT celebrated its 33rd year with the awards show.

There were endless gasps and chuckles as everyone viewed the most memorable scenes and each other’s younger complexions.

After the show, everyone mingled, congratulated one other and discussed plans for the upcoming season, which begins with “Blithe Spirit” scheduled to open Aug. 22. The 2003-04 season also includes “1940’s Radio Hour,” “Guys and Dolls,” “Peter Pan” and “Footloose.”

For more information or to become a member, visit their Web site at

SVCT Award-winners

South Valley Civic Theatre 2002-03 Awards:

Best Show – Sugar

Best Director – Maureen Imagawa (Sugar)

Best Musical Direction, Vocal – Carol Harris (Gypsy)

Best Musical Direction, Orchestral – Carol Harris (Gypsy)

Best Choreography – Mitzi Imagawa (Sugar)

Best Make–up – Laurie Castro (Sleepy Hollow)

Best Costumes – Carol Harris/Pam Raynor (Follow that Rabbit)

Best Set Design – Maureen Imagawa (Sugar)

Best Actress – Christine Varela (Gypsy)

Best Actor – Freddie Fuentes (Sugar)

Best Supporting Actress – Jennifer Hamilton (Sugar)

Best Supporting Actor – Dave Leon (Lend Me a Tenor)

Best Actor in a Minor Role – Dick DeBolt (Lend Me a Tenor)

Best Actress in a Minor Role – Joy Reynolds (Gypsy)

Best Female Chorus – Lisa Evans (Sugar)

Best Male Chorus – Scott Borgia (Sugar)

The Youth Award winners are:

Best Actress – Alika Spencer (Gypsy)

Best Actor – David Sandhu (Sleepy Hollow)

Best Supporting Actor Youth – David Sandhu (Sugar)

Best Supporting Actress – Christiana Bray (Gypsy)

Best Actor in a Minor Role – Jordy Marquez–Lopez (Follow that Rabbit)

Best Actress in a Minor Role – Christiana Bray (Follow that Rabbit)

Best Male Chorus – Jeremy Borgia (Sugar)

Best Female Chorus – Rachel Rentfrow (Sugar)

Shining Star Award Winner – John Brewer

Rosalie Andrews Award for Technical Excellence – Peter Mandel

Newcomer Award – Stephanie Hamik

Producer’s Awards:

Gypsy – Vivian Varela

Sugar – Becky Kaiser

Follow that Rabbit – Lisa Rick

Sleepy Hollow – Stephanie Hamik and Renee O’Hara

Lend Me a Tenor – Peter Mandel

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