music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor:
Again, I say to you:
• 28 percent-plus federal income taxes
• 7 percent-plus state income taxes
• 1 percent unemployment taxes
• 7 1/2 percent Social Security taxes plus an additional 7 1/2
percent for self-employed citizens
Dear Editor:

Again, I say to you:

• 28 percent-plus federal income taxes

• 7 percent-plus state income taxes

• 1 percent unemployment taxes

• 7 1/2 percent Social Security taxes plus an additional 7 1/2 percent for self-employed citizens

That’s 43 1/2 percent to 51 percent taxes paid by California citizens “before” they get their paycheck. With what is left, deduct 8.5 percent sales tax; 5percent utility tax; what amounts to 3 percent of your annual income for property taxes; 45 cents for every gallon of gasoline; children don’t end up with something after taxes, there is the inheritance tax. Taxing over 60 percent of your earnings is incomprehensible and an outrage!

Who among us has orchestrated his little gray cells to conclude that the way to solve the issues in California government is to raise more taxes … of any kind? Such mentality is the product of government, those who earn not, and are accustomed to being funded by others. Those who are accustomed to being funded make good spenders. Those who earn know what it is to scrimp, cut back, and save if possible. They do not spend what they do not have. Vote no on all issues 46 up; however, county Measure B deserves a yes vote making funds already earmarked for transportation to be used for “highways”.

No more taxes … of any kind.

Jim Langdon, Gilroy

Submitted Wednesday, Oct. 30 to ed****@ga****.com

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