Fellow graduates, faculty, friends and family- these last 4 years have finally led us to this momentous occasion…the 2012, and First, graduation of Christopher High School.
I believe it is these last 3 years that have bound us and that we will hold onto for the rest of our lives.
Our class is part of a very extraordinary and unique group, in that we were not simply part of a school that followed the path set by those before them. Instead, our class is the foundation of Christopher High, and everyone here today has been a part of that. From Mr.Perales and the administration that have dedicated themselves to this school, to the staff who have taught and cared for us, and to our family and friends that have supported us, We are Christopher High School. Our class has been presented a once in a life time opportunity and I’m proud to be a part of what we’ve done with it.
As I started to prepare my speech, I began to list everything we have done these last three years…yet I soon found myself asking “what haven’t we done”? Simply put, we are the first. The first to test, to train, to compete, to lead, to celebrate. Our class has overcome both anything and everything in its journey together.
August 20th, 2009 we took our first steps here at Christopher High as Sophomores. We had no idea what to expect and yet we were already leading the way. Without the presence of upperclassmen we’ve had to guide ourselves and that in itself is our greatest accomplishment. Since then look at how far we’ve come. Seniors, now fellow graduates, at our first homecoming our tiny castle float was pulled by a quad! Now we have full sized floats, a parade, and royalty to welcome us home next year.
We came to a job unfinished; we were given a part and asked to make a whole. We rose to this challenge, excelled under pressure, and shattered expectations to ensure that we left a legacy that this school and this community would always be proud of. When we were told the school would remain incomplete, we did not idly stand by as decisions were made for us. Rather our class came together as one to represent the voice of our school, and now the E Building stands before us.
It was once said that it would take years to be recognized in sports, and they were right…but it only took 3! Now with 5 banners hanging in our gym, multiple athletes sent to CCS, and a shiny new bell it is evident that we have left a legacy that future students will take pride in and strive to uphold.
We were told that it couldn’t be done, Yet we did it and we will continue to do it.
We are Cougars and we have risen to the occasion for every challenge.
I have witnessed our unity first-hand and what we can accomplish united. Despite our various differences our class could come together as a whole for a common purpose, whether it be out of school spirit or a desire for a new pond on campus, our unity has left its mark.
What we leave behind today are not our memories, but our traditions. Our unity and unwavering determination to be an example for those who follow. This path we have set is our legacy.
A legacy that will make students proud to be a Cougar, a legacy that will live on continuing to shape our school, one that will make us proud when we return, and a legacy that will fill us with pride and joy to say “We are the First Graduating Class of Christopher High School”
Class of 2012, this is not the end, but a new beginning. As we all must part separate ways to find our destinies, know that everyone one of us is bound to a common factor that will bring eternal unity to us all: we will forever be the first graduating class of Christopher High School, we will always be Cougars, and this moment shall forever be a source of unity and pride in which we can all rely on. We may not know what the future brings, yet we have always battled the unknown and risen above it. Take what we have learned here and continue to use your hearts and minds well.
Thank you and Good luck everyone!