music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor,

Can speeding within Eagle Ridge be restricted with speed bumps, humps or round-abouts?

This permanent solution works at all hours of the day without requiring any police patrolling. Plus, you won’t have to increase the speed limit to reduce speeding.

Round-abouts and speed humps are not only functional but with proper materials and good design they can add beauty to the environment. Installing pavers and fountains extend the architectural design and create a harmonious landscape.

This solution, which offers safety and beauty to the development, is viable and community members who benefit from this added value can subsidize the project themselves.

This problem with speeding does not warrant reallocating our law enforcement’s limited resources, and I commend Councilmen Dion Bracco, Craig Gartman and Russ Valiquette for sharing this good judgment.

I am not familiar with the history of deals made between the city and Eagle Ridge developers, but with council’s narrow approval to patrol, we are all paying for the results of these compromises.

Pedro Betancourt, Gilroy

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