Citizens throughout the nation have begun voting in the 2024 general election, and voters in Santa Clara County can cast their ballots at in-person voting centers or at a number of secure dropboxes throughout the county until the night of Nov. 5.
In addition to the presidential, senate and congressional election, numerous local offices and ballot measures are on the Nov. 5 ballot, which has been mailed to every registered voter in Santa Clara County, according to the registrar of voters’ office. There are also 10 state propositions on the ballot.
As of Oct. 23, about 12.3% of the county’s more than 1 million registered voters had returned their ballots in Santa Clara County, according to election officials. That means voters have been voting by mail, or dropbox, at a pace of about 20,000 per day.
In 2020, 78.6% of voters in Santa Clara County voted by mail in the presidential race, when total voter registration was 1.02 million. The percentage of mailed ballots is expected to be similar this year. Overall voter turnout in the county was 85% in 2020.
In Santa Clara County, 26 vote centers – including five libraries – opened on Oct. 26 for in-person voting. Voting at these sites will continue through Election Day, Nov. 5. Another 79 vote centers will open for four days, beginning Nov. 2. Here are the voting center locations. https://vote.santaclaracounty.gov/vote-person/official-vote-center-list-and-schedule
Vote-by-mail ballots can be sent via the US Postal Service at no charge, or dropped in one of the many voting dropboxes scattered around the county.
The polls close at 8pm Nov. 5.
In-person voting centers are located at the following addresses in South County:
• Morgan Hill Masonic Center, 380 West Dunne Ave.; Oct. 26-Nov. 4, 9am-5pm; 7am-8pm Nov. 4.
• Morgan Hill Library, 660 West Main Ave., Nov. 2-Nov. 4, 10am-6pm; 7am-8pm Nov. 5.
• Westmont of Morgan Hill, 1160 Cochrane Road, Nov. 2-Nov. 4, 9am-5pm; Nov. 5, 7am-8pm.
• Gilroy First Baptist Church, 8455 Wren Ave., Nov. 2-Nov. 4, 9am-5pm; Nov. 5, 7am-8pm.
• South Valley Middle School, 7881 Murray Ave. in Gilroy, Oct. 26-Nov. 4, 9am-5pm; Nov. 5, 7am-8pm.
• Gilroy Veterans Memorial Building, 74 West Sixth Street, Gilroy, Nov. 2-Nov. 4, 9am-5pm; Nov. 5, 7am-8pm.
• Gilroy Library, 350 West Sixth Street, Nov. 2-Nov. 4, 10am-6pm; Nov. 5, 7am-8pm.
• Gilroy Center for the Arts, 7341 Monterey Road, Nov. 2-Nov. 4, 9am-5pm; Nov. 5, 7am-8pm.
• Gilroy Police Department, 7301 Hanna Street, Nov. 2-Nov. 4, 9am-5pm; Nov. 5, 7am-8pm.
Voters can also drop off their ballots at 24-hour secure dropboxes located at the following addresses (making sure ballots are signed by the voter on the designated space):
• Gilroy City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street.
• Gilroy Library, 350 West Sixth Street.
• Gavilan College Student Center, 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard, Gilroy.
• Rod Kelley Elementary School, 8755 Kern Ave., Gilroy.
• Nordstrom Elementary School, 1425 East Dunne Ave., Morgan Hill.
• Morgan Hill Library, 660 West Main Ave.
• Morgan Hill City Hall, 17575 Peak Ave.
• Morgan Hill Unified School District, 15600 Concord Circle.
For more information about how and where to vote, or to request a ballot, visit the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters’ website at sccvote.org.