Regarding the new Wal-Mart Super store. It is my expectation
that the area for the new Wal-Mart store is going to be developed
for retail stores whether or not that retailer is Wal-Mart
– 986 parking spaces is 986 parking spaces.
Regarding the new Wal-Mart Super store. It is my expectation that the area for the new Wal-Mart store is going to be developed for retail stores whether or not that retailer is Wal-Mart – 986 parking spaces is 986 parking spaces. These concerns about pollution and traffic should have been considered by the city long before the development of the regional shopping complex began.
Short of stopping all expansion of the Pacheco Pass Center I doubt little can be done to reduce the projected pollution levels. Realistically, that is not going to happen.
On the other hand, I think it bodes well that Wal-Mart has found someone to take their current location.
Doyle Kisler, Gilroy
Submitted Wednesday, Jan. 21 to ed****@ga****.com