music in the park, psychedelic furs

Don’t judge those who use medical marijuana
In a recent Dispatch, I read a funny letter by Ron Kirkish concerned about medical cannabis in San Jose and the vote on the ballot this year.
Your facts and figures were pretty good Mr. Kirkish, but there are still hundreds, maybe thousands of growers in the area and whether we like it or not, it’s here to stay.
Mr. Kirkish says lets take back our state. Where did it go? Medical cannabis, like gay marriage, is here to stay. You’re on the wrong side of history Mr. Kirkish. Sorry!
I don’t think Mr. Kirkish is too progressive minded, but if something will help sick people, who is he to judge the sick who use it? Besides, isn’t alcohol and smoking just as bad? You know, smoking cigarettes.
We all know the old arguments, pot is a gateway drug and it makes you forgetful and eat too much.
Mr. Kirkish, maybe you should try some. Mellow out!
Daniel Garcia, Gilroy
Kick Luis Alejo out of office
I encourage all readers to vote AGAINST Luis Alejo for Assembly. Seeing his annoying signs all over the area reminded me to pen this letter.  
Alejo has a terrible voting record. This year alone, he has sponsored a bill to ban job “discrimination” against illegal aliens who have the undocumented-person driver’s license, and he supported a bill that would allow people to be stripped of their Constitutional rights without trial, presence at the hearing or crime.
The last thing we need to do is encourage more people to come here illegally. The country is full. But they mean votes for Alejo and dependence on the Democrat Party, so, come one come all! The second bill I mentioned is AB1012, which would allow anyone to claim, before a judge, that any gun owner, without the accused even present, is a danger to society and have the police raid his home and confiscate his property.
Alejo, as well as every other Democrat who supported the above, needs to lose his job this November. Time for the Glory of 1994 all over again.  
Alan Viarengo, Gilroy
Congress just trying to do its job
I can’t help but to contradict Frank Crosby’s letter, from the Sept. 5 Dispatch, thanking Harry Reid for not passing 50 bills written in Congress.
First, let me say, at least Congress is writing bills and trying to do their job. I don’t see that happening at all in the Senate. They couldn’t even pass a budget for four years! Specifically, Mr. Crosby points to a bill reducing unemployment from 99 to 59 weeks. Great! I think we should encourage people to get out and look for a job. This administration is turning our country into a welfare state with over 35 percent of Americans receiving welfare, an all-time high. This is the slowest recovery with unemployment still over 6 percent and California exceeds that at 7.4 percent. Some of this is explained in my next argument, where Crosby brings up EPA and OSHA and clean air/water. If government would get out of the way, with all their restrictions and regulations, Keystone for example, not only would jobs be added to the economy, but business could thrive. The reason companies leave is because California is not business friendly with outrageous taxes. Hence, we have higher unemployment.
California pays the second highest gas tax, 68 cents per gallon, and because of the clean air, “climate change laws” this will increase by 30-50 percent in January. Keep in mind that NO business takes the hit when their costs increase. It is ALWAYS passed on to consumers.
Drilling, fracking, Keystone … YOU BET! Not only will this provide many jobs, but I’m for ANYTHING that will make us energy dependent, from buying oil from countries that want to destroy us and provide national security.
Another point to keep in mind as big business is attacked. That is who is providing the jobs. No corporations, no jobs. That’s who takes care of the middle class. Apparently, the administration cares less about the middle class since that population is the group that has least survived and seen more poverty since Obama has been president.
Keep your eyes open. This will get worse as more of the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, laws are implemented after the November election and through 2016. Certainly don’t count on health care getting cheaper, as promised or keeping your doctor or plan, as promised! I can only hope the Senate turns Republican in 2014, but then again no matter how much legislation is written, if the President will get off the golf course or stop campaigning, he’ll probably veto every bill.
Susan Mister, Gilroy
Get to Levi’s Stadium via VTA
I’d like to let you know that VTA (Valley Transportation Agency) is furnishing 3 express buses to Levi’s Stadium on game days. You can go to the VTA website at www.vta.org/getting-around/event-service/levis-stadium-bus-service-schedules   for further information.
For this Sunday, Sept. 14, for instance, there are three express buses originating at the Gilroy Transit Center, with stops in San Martin and Morgan Hill at the Caltrain stations. The buses depart between 2 and 3:15 p.m. and arrive at the stadium about an hour later. Fares are $4 for adults, $1.75 for youth and $1 for seniors/disabled. And of course there are return buses also, the last departing an hour after the game ends.
Not only is this a great bargain, it is the fastest, most efficient way to get to Levi’s Stadium. I’ve heard reports from those in attendance that these express busses drop passengers off directly at the entrance and are very popular.  Please let your readers know.
Connie Rogers, member, VTA Citizens Advisory Committee
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