CHEERS for the first, and we hope annual, Free for Locals Day at
Gilroy Gardens. What a smashing success, lots of people and, more
importantly, boatloads of good will.
CHEERS for the first, and we hope annual, Free for Locals Day at Gilroy Gardens. What a smashing success, lots of people and, more importantly, boatloads of good will. We often said, whether it be marketing automobiles, wine or our theme park, that too often Gilroyans are ignored. It’s a good strategy to take care of home first, and Barb Granter, Gilroy Gardens Manager, and her team have taken an important first step.
JEERS for Councilman Craig Gartman’s throw-everything-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks suggestion to look at privatizing City Hall services. How about something simple? Rather than opening Pandora’s Box to endless debate, how about asking CAL Fire for a proposal to take over fire service in Gilroy. The vast bulk of our General Fund money is spent on public safety. Gilroy can’t afford 4-firefighters-to-an-engine mandates from outside arbitrators any longer. The city should take a serious look now at that possibility.
CHEERS for our new Garlic Queen, Lauren Iwanaga. It’s wonderful to have such an enthusiastic representative for Gilroy. “I decided that I really, really want this, and I’ve wanted this since I was a little girl so it can’t hurt to try one more time,” she said after winning the crown. “I don’t want to live with any regrets.” Clearly, Gilroy won’t regret the choice for Garlic Queen.
CHEERS for the Orsetti Manzo family, featured in our Pride section last week. for almost 100 years, the family has tended to a prune orchard on land purchased by Emilio Aladino Orsetti in the early 1900s. The preservation of the family legacy and the care devoted to the orchard is remarkable in this day and age.
JEERS for the ridiculous tax idea that will likely be in petition form at a grocery store entryway near you soon. Imagine what a $5 per bottle tax on wine would do to the burgeoning local industry and the state’s wine producers, not to mention California retailers as a whole. Please, don’t sign any petition you don’t fully understand – and keep in mind many signature gatherers are paid by the name. When are our legislators going to face the fact that more and more taxes aren’t going to revive the economy. What’s needed is a full-bore slash in state spending until the budget is balanced.
CHEERS for the San Martin Neighborhood Alliance which is waging a grassroots campaign to overturn the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s groundwater charges. The Association has sent out a protest letter and envelope to all members explaining how to protest the charges under state law Proposition 218. It’s an effort worthy of admiration whether you agree with the protest effort or not.
CHEERS for Teresa Alvarado, candidate to replace Don Gage as our county supervisor. Once again, she showed up in town, this time at Gilroy Gardens Saturday. Now that’s commitment.