Hospital testing the waters for bond money? Just tell the pollster ‘no tax hike, period’

Dear Editor,
I would like to encourage your readers, if they receive a call from a pollster representing the Gilroy (something) Association, to tell them “no tax hike, period,” and hang up. 
Earlier this month, I got such a call; they asked me if I would support a half-a-percentage-point tax hike to fund local medical needs – in other words, health care for illegals.  It was irritating enough with the call coming from some Third World rat hole; I could tell by the satellite delay and the accent.  In my various contract jobs, I have designed such polls and even on a small scale conducted them, so when so called, I usually participate. 
Anyway, as always for any tax hike, I said no way in … The next question was, if the funds were guaranteed to stay local, would I be more or less likely to support it. It is very easy to word such a poll to misrepresent the results. I answered, not any more likely. “Less” would not be true, and I would not be any more likely to support it, so, I told them, “not any more likely.” The monkey then explained that I had to choose either “more” or “less.” At that point, I hung up; it’s a biased poll and not worth the time. They have since called back four times. We have even requested being put on their do-not-call list. 
On the 2012 ballots, more likely the November one, we are sure to see a long list of begging by public waste agencies. The best way to minimize the number of these shams is to stop them in their tracks. If the polling shows insufficient support, they won’t float the measure. And the best way to overthrow the government, or at least weaken it, is to bankrupt it … by any means necessary. 

Alan Viarengo, Gilroy

That’s what happens when you vote Republican –- your taxes are sure to go up

Dear Editor,
A lot of people don’t like the idea that their taxes are going up $1,000 a year but who’s fault is that.
The people voted for Republicans in the last election and when you vote for Republicans that’s what happens.
Republicans want tax increases on the 99 percent so that the 1 percent get to keep all their money. It’s the will of the voters. If the voters don’t want tax increases then they shouldn’t have voted Republican.

Marc Perkel, Gilroy

Thanks, and a gift at the end of the year to assist injured wildlife would be appreciated

Dear Editor,
We appreciate the recent newspaper articles about local people in need and the generosity of our community.
Like shopping locally, giving to a local non-profit organization enhances our community and those dollars produce immediate and visible results. 
These organizations are always in need of an extra helping of generosity and many, like W.E.R.C., are sustained solely by donations.  
Now that all the presents have been opened and the ribbon and wrapping put away and after-holiday sales shopping done, readers can continue the warm and fuzzy good feelings a little bit longer by giving a final gift – or gifts – of the year (and a tax deduction, too) to make the New Year a happier one for those in need, both human and non-human, in our community. 
From the many worthwhile charities in our area, choose the one(s) closest to your heart and interests. The Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center wishes to thank all in our community who have generously donated throughout the year to help us help the helpless … injured and orphaned native wildlife that would not have survived on their own. 
We hope readers have enjoyed W.E.R.C.’s Animal of the Month stories that illustrate the happy results of these donations. All of us at W.E.R.C. would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year! 

Sue Howell, Executive director, Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center,


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