I’m tired of being used as a hostage. I don’t know where it says
in the Constitution that politicians can use The People as a
hostage but I’m getting damn tired of it. People are talking about
America’s credit rating. But what about our credibility rating?
Dear Editor,

I’m tired of being used as a hostage. I don’t know where it says in the Constitution that politicians can use The People as a hostage but I’m getting damn tired of it. People are talking about America’s credit rating. But what about our credibility rating?

What does it say about us as a people when we allow this artificial crisis the Republicans created to define who we are as a nation in the eyes of the world? What the Republicans are doing to this country is so wrong it’s indescribable. But the real shame is that we The People are allowing it to happen. We have to rise up and tell the Republicans that we are not your hostages.

Marc Perkel, Gilroy

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