Dear Editor,
I’ve been reading about the constant battle with the Web site Schools are blocking it, parents refuse to let their
kids on it
… and so forth. Are these people really the ones who should be
deciding whether MySpace is bad or not?
Dear Editor,

I’ve been reading about the constant battle with the Web site Schools are blocking it, parents refuse to let their kids on it … and so forth. Are these people really the ones who should be deciding whether MySpace is bad or not? I have yet to see a school administrator on the site! People seem to be making a generalization based on their little knowledge.

It’s kind of like saying outright that the World Wide Web is a black hole that people can get sucked into, full of viruses and predators just waiting to hack into your computer. I think most people agree that the Web can be dangerous, but that it is mostly a great data source and can keep people in touch.

I think it is the same way with MySpace.

Sure, there are the select few that use it wrongly, but can you base an opinion of the site based on 1,000 users when there are in fact more than 23,000 on the site? Besides, though it can be dangerous, you can take precautions so that you aren’t subject to intruders. MySpace is a great way to keep in touch with my distant friends, and so much more vibrant than using an email address. Though I know I can’t convince the schools to unblock the site, I just want to let the parents and school teachers know that MySpace can be something good and also something bad. Before people make generalizations, they need to know both sides. In this case, ask the people who are using it – teens like me.

Annie Dilm, Gilroy

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