Father of Jennifer Ortiz

Dearest Daddy,
We have taken an incredible journey together so far and I just wanted to thank you for that and share our story. Although I arrived before you could be there for my delivery, I have always been your little girl. Although Mom tried to act like she had not had me as she stood in front of the nursery window waiting for your arrival, you instantly were able to pick me out from a nursery full of babies. Since then I have been known as “Your Nose and Picture.” Being a truck driver for more than 30 years, I knew you had to be away a lot, but I never really felt your absence because no matter how tired you were you always took time to be with us. Maybe it was me dancing with you, while standing on your toes or some time wrapped up with our favorite blanket on the floor playing peek-a- boo, somehow you always made an effort to be there.
Looking back I realize all the sacrifices you made so Mom could be home with us and give us a better life. I admire your strength in facing the mystery of Autism back when the diagnosis was new in the late ’60s. You were there for every doctor’s appointment for Joseph, and were Mom’s right hand in learning to deal with his disability. You made time for me and all my school activities as well, whether it was carving pumpkins at Halloween on parent’s night or attending my Mexican folklore performances through the school year, you were there with a proud parent’s support, love and smile.
I cherish those weekend campouts and bike-a-thons with the Pathfinder’s Club, you cooking for everyone and even one year riding my bike for me when I was sick with a 102-degree fever. Yes, I do remember all the little things that were so very important to me, that made my life richer and fuller thanks to the man I am honored to call my Daddy, Dad and Father. The slumber parties that kept you awake at night, taking in all the stray kids in school that had nowhere to go for weekends or holidays, and being there for all the special moments that were made more wonderful by you being there! One of the things I love you and Mom the most for is that you let me be me and march to the beat of my own drum growing up. You both bravely supported most of my crazy ideas (and there were a lot them at times) I wanted to try or explore with full belief in me that I would find my way in this life. You were waiting patiently to see if I would succeed, or need a little help getting back up on my feet, loving me every step of the way.
I know I was privileged to have the opportunity to go to a boarding high school and college, such luxuries you sacrificed time away from home for. When times were lean and you were laid off, you made sure we were all taken care of and never knew the difference. You always said you wanted a better life for Joseph and me, and tried to give us ever opportunity to seek it. Whether it was packing Joseph up for a week of summer camp or moving me to San Francisco State University, you were there.
I know during our journey together we have faced some difficult roads. There were times when we both had to be reminded by Mom that “rolling our eyes” at each other was not going to do any good, but forgiving each other could be a new beginning. I so admired the way you took care of Mom and loved her until she left us in December 2012. I was so blessed to have you by my side every step of the way during that dark time. Little did either of us know that we would face a life changing illness and surgery for me only three months after Mom’s passing.
I can’t imagine what I put you through as I was hospitalized for five months out of town. All your trips to see me when I could not even talk, you still came just to hold my hand and wipe my tears. All the meals from OD’s and the Gilroy Bowl you took up to “Shady Pines” meant the world to me along with the daily updates on our four-footed kids, Precious and Mittens. I know I would never have survived without the strength you and Mom instilled in me. And now as we still try to find a new normal at home I hope you know I am here for you too.
Daddy, I will close with the words from the theme song from “Tarzan” … one of our many songs … “You’ll be in my heart, oh yes you’ll be in my heart … for now and forever more …”
Love your Nose and Picture,
Jennifer Ortiz

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