music in the park, psychedelic furs

Fellow hostages of the Gilroy Unfit School District, take a look
at your property tax bill.

Fellow hostages of the Gilroy Unfit School District, take a look at your property tax bill. If we’re not being NICKEL AND DIMED, I don‚t know who is! Look at ’em all: the County Retirement “Levy” ($136 a year for a home assessed at $350,000), the first library waste, Gilroy Unfit School District Measure J ($247 for said home), state water projects, $40 to subsidize cretins who chose to live along creeks, “vector control,” and $34 for a second library waste.

If the School Board gets its way, your property tax will increase SIX PERCENT next year! (Anyone around here get a six percent raise this year?)

Measure I is not a one-time, $60 fee; it’s for 25 years. If your home is currently assessed at $200,000, it’ll run you a total of $3,844 (with the 2% assessment increase that always happens). If it’s $300,000, you’re paying an additional $5,765. $400,000? $7,687.

And don’t forget, the first $760,000 is going to an outside “bond consulting firm” because the School Board doesn’t like to listen to people here; they figure they can squeak by with 55 percent of the vote (the threshold as long as they tie this to facility construction, instead of the regular two-thirds, with which most other school districts have no problem) by paying outside con artists.

Vote NO on I! Enough already!

Alan Viarengo, Gilroy

Submitted Wednesday, Oct. 16 to ed****@ga****.com

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