43 F
March 10, 2025

Tag: business_finance

County staff propose $4.6 billion budget for 2014

Santa Clara County staff proposed a $4.6 billion county budget for fiscal year 2014 last week that will rely on outside funding sources, new voter-approved revenues and public union concessions in order to close a $67 million shortfall, County staff said. 

Home owner worry

The loss of a beloved tax deduction for South County homeowners is at stake, as Congress looks to make tough calls on how to decrease its federal deficit.

What to bring to meeting with financial advisor

The financial planning process is not merely a matter of numbers. When you meet with a financial advisor to map out a strategy for wealth accumulation or wealth preservation, you may find yourself intellectually and emotionally engaged on a level you hadn't anticipated. It may actually give you a better understanding of what you want from life.

Voters approve county’s Measure A sales tax increase

Santa Clara County’s one-eighth-cent sales tax increase was approved by voters with 53 percent majority vote as of about 6 a.m. Wednesday morning. 

Records reveal debt amounts

According to court records, mayoral candidate and current Councilman Peter Arellano claimed $670,359 in debts when he filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in November 2004.

New publisher at the helm for Gilroy Dispatch

Chief Executive Officer Tony Allegretti, 67, has officially taken the helm as publisher of the Gilroy Dispatch and its sister papers, the Morgan Hill Times and Hollister Free Lance.  

Protest planned: seeds in dispute

Bay Area activists are planning a peaceful protest at Syngenta Flowers in Gilroy today, marking the final day of a nationwide “global week of action” against “evil biotech” facilities linked to the Genetically Modified Organism food system.

County crop report out; gross production values down

The Santa Clara County Division of Agriculture released today its 2011 Agricultural Crop Report, revealing a 7 percent decrease in the gross value of agricultural production.

Vendors yank produce from farmers’ market

Produce vendors are pulling out of the Gilroy farmers’ market due to low shopper turnout on Sundays, a trend Market Manager Kersty Daniels fears will continue as patronage remains inconsistent.

Publisher resigns, CEO steps in to lead newspapers

The Dispatch will say farewell today to its publisher, chief operating officer and senior vice president of eight years who is resigning from his current position but will continue to work as a consultant for the company.

