62.5 F
March 9, 2025

Tag: community pulse

Do you agree with the decision to conduct a police raid...

• Yes. Any illegal operation warrants a police raid.

Do you think Gilroy residents should pay to build a water...

• No. I do not want a ‘water theme park’ that might attract older children and change the dynamics of the population attracted to the park, now.

Gilroy spends approximately 80 percent of the annual General Fund budget...

• Too much. The police budget may be justifiable and necessary. However, fire protection is redundant and inefficient. We do not need them as first response medical responders, the vast majority of their services. The Council should reconsider consolidating GFD with County fire protection.

How serious is the issue of cyber bullying with teens?

• VERY! Although bullying and teasing has been going on forever, cyperbullying developed into a public forum with the use of smartphone cameras and social media.

Do you think the city does a good job with planning...

• Yes. I don't agree with some of the policies but I do appreciate that we have a lot of beautiful tree lined streets. The 152 gateway is such a wonderful welcome to our community too! • Yes, hopefully. I believe now they are doing their homework and are planting trees that will not cause thousands of dollars to homeowners in 20 years by planting trees that uproot their sidewalks. Didn’t the City’s arborists think of researching tree root patterns back in the ’60s and ’70s? • In general, yes. However, the city is too aggressive in removing existing trees that are perceived as a potential liability due to possible failure – the massive Rainbow Park oak as an example. Apparently, placing a fence around the tree canopy wasn’t good enough. The city should not feel compelled to idiot-proof all facilities – the iron fence around the city skate park is yet another example of failed overkill. Unless the tree presents an imminent threat, leave it! Odds are it will survive for years to come. • Yes. If Santa Teresa is any indication ... however, I wish new developments were required to install more trees. • Yes. From what I've seen the street trees are well-groomed, not blocking any signs, and there are some new plantings on First Street. • Yes, for the most part. We are known as one of the best tree cities in America. We could stand to be rid of trees like the Palo Alto Liquid Amber planted many years ago in certain neighborhoods. They look nice, but have horrible, large burrs that litter the streets where they are still located. Their root system also ruins the sidewalks with upheaval and serious cracks. • Not quite. Why is the Santa Teresa corridor so over-planted? Did anyone realize that shrubs actually grow when they planted double the amount necessary? Now many should be transplanted elsewhere – are they going to do that? • No, it’s OK, but has fallen off like so many city programs. Gilroy should have a model urban forestry program.

Has your opinion of Gilroy’s champion boxer, Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero,...

• No. As is common with the news, I believe this has been blown out of

Should the Gilroy Police Department make patrolling the parks a higher...

• No. I’m certain GPD is aware of the probable times and location park crimes are likely to occur.  Occasional, unpredictable patrols should suffice.  I am just as certain prioritizing GPD efforts in one problem area will cause neglect in other problem areas.  The GPD knows what they're doing.  Let's not make this a reactionary public issue or political issue.

The Gilroy City Council is considering moving its regular meeting...

• No. I think that is too late to start, considering how long some of the meetings last. The community will participate if they feel the issue impacts them significantly. Otherwise I don’t think you can make these meetings compete for attention in an average resident’s day. For those who have to attend, the time change just makes it more painful. • Yes, in a negative way as most people are busy during the day and sometimes evening meetings are difficult to attend- the earlier start the better. • No. If an interested party has an item on the agenda they would like to hear or address in person, there’s plenty of time to get to the hearing by 6 pm (at least 6:30 after opening matters, interviews, presentation, proclamations report, etc.). Quit your whining and skip dinner if you need to like the rest of us! Citizenship is a duty, not a convenience. • No, I believe it will allow those with a long commute to attend and staff should be able to adjust their work schedules. • It could impact in both directions, more participation if you don’t work in town and want to be heard but can’t get home in time to participate or, less participation if you get home, have time to eat supper and then end up not feeling like going down to City Hall. Your topic’s position on the agenda is a major concern for deciding to attend Council meetings, can’t spend all night there and really shouldn’t have to miss supper. Starting a little later is a good thing. • I would like to think so, as it would give commuting residents time to get home and maybe have some dinner before they come to a meeting or watch it on

Community Pulse: Will downtown Gilroy will be a thriving place in...

Do you believe Gilroy will be a thriving place in five years?

Community Pulse: Was jail sentence for Arias appropriate?

Regarding the one-year jail sentence for Sandra Arias in the hit-and-run accident that left Joshua Valdez severely injured, was justice served?

