The local Poppy Jasper International Film Festival was recently named one of the “25 Coolest Film Festivals in the World” by MovieMaker Magazine—a prestigious...
An upbeat gala for the 18th annual Poppy Jasper International Film Festival unfolded Friday night in downtown Gilroy.
Around 200 people filled the Capos Event...
The 2024 Poppy Jasper International Film Festival will take place April 10-17, with an opening night celebration set to take place at Gavilan College.
“Gravel Road,” an Australian documentary that follows the adventures of Aboriginal rock band Desert Stars as they embark on their first road tour, will...
Our local movie theaters – Gilroy Platinum Theater and Morgan Hill CineLux - are a couple of my favorite places to spend my extra time (and money). There’s just something about sitting in a darkened theater with a group of friends - and strangers - eyes glued to the big screen, laughing or crying or jumping out of our seats.