78.5 F
October 24, 2024

Tag: health

County healthcare patients to receive refunds

About 43,000 former patients of Santa Clara Valley Healthcare (SCVH) will soon receive notice of possible billing corrections and refunds as part of a...

Covid increases in county sewersheds

While transmission of respiratory syncytial virus has begun to plateau in Santa Clara County, the county's top health official said Tuesday that Covid-19 and...

Demand jumps for blood donors

More than two years after the Covid-19 pandemic started, hospitals and medical facilities throughout the region are still “desperate” for blood supplies for their...

State to lift indoor mask requirements for unvaccinated, schools, child care

California will lift its indoor mask requirements Tuesday for unvaccinated people and March 12 for schools and child care facilities, Gov. Gavin Newsom said...

Lee: Start dynamic with your warm-up

If you're in your 30s or older, you started P.E. classes with static stretches—the type of stretches that are held for a set time—in the belief that they would increase flexibility, improve performance and reduce injuries.

Lee: Fuel School in session

Welcome to Fuel School 101. Yes, there’s a science to properly fueling the body for competition. High school athletes, take notice. For this article, I’ll focus on the ubiquitous energy bar, which has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry. San Benito High junior three-sport standout Marisa Villegas loves Clif Bars; last year at the end of the track season, Villegas told me in addition to her regular meals, she sometimes ate two to three Clif Bars a day during her most intense workout sessions/races (hey, when you run as fast as she does, you need some serious fuel).

Healthstyles: Don’t get in shape for swimsuit season

Yes, you read that title correctly. I’m advocating not getting in shape “in time” for swimsuit season. Needs explanation, huh?Both the internet and the print media are rife with ways to get summer-ready fast, with some guaranteed weight-loss results in less than a week. I worry, however, that a good chunk of these quick-result methods are harmful and  destined to put their users on a spin-cycle of yo-yo weight fluctuations.While the promise of pool-side lounging can make anyone think of their figures—“Hey, didn’t this swimsuit fit last year?”—I like to use the season as a way to re-focus on fitness and good health, rather than hurriedly changing body shape at any cost. So, when talking about summer fitness expectations, here are some of the “don’ts” and “do’s” that I try to live by.And now for the do’s.Do seek professional medical advice before beginning a new fitness or eating planDo tweak an existing fitness plan for the season, for example by incorporating more toning exercises…and not be bummed if it doesn’t seem to make a difference.Do tweak an existing eating plan to compensate for the summer; for example by drinking more water or eating seasonal vegetables.Do be realistic about when results will appear. With my present regimen, I saw results within six weeks, close friends saw results in eight weeks, and erstwhile acquaintances saw results at about 12 weeks.Do be realistic about what shape or size is to be achieved. Not everyone is going to look like that photo-shopped model on the internet. After all, thanks to Photoshop, even that model doesn’t look like that in real life.And the don'ts:Don’t resort to any diet that is really just disguised anorexia. For most people, this is any diet of less than 1,200 calories a day (your doctor can tell you where this threshold lies for you.)Don’t resort to any diet or supplement that is really just disguised bulimia or dehydration. This includes teas, herbs, pills, etc. that promise to “help” your body get rid of unwanted body weight “quickly.”Don’t resort to any diet that advocates dropping an entire food group out of your diet for a length of time. Even if it’s whole grain carbs. I know, I know…it’s the “in thing” right now, but I can’t see prolonged periods of whole grain carb-elimination as healthy--fiber is my friend. Neera Siva is a health enthusiast, mom, patent attorney and writer, in no particular order, and a South Bay resident. All opinions expressed in this column are hers and hers alone. Check out her website at healthierbites.com.

Scratched eye isn’t healing

Q: We took Fiber, our terrier, to the vet for an injury to his eye. He scratched his cornea running after a ball in the bushes. The vet gave us some antibiotic ointment to put in his eye once or twice a day. But he’s not getting any better. The vet wants to see him again to do some tests and we’re not sure what to do. Should we take him to a specialist? Why isn’t the eye getting better?

YMCA reaching out to Gilroy

There are 2,700 YMCA locations in 10,000 communities across the country.

Public can help create a vision for health in the county

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors is launching the public process to create a new health element for the General Plan, beginning with three Healthy Communities Workshops April 12, 26 and 30, to seek ideas from the public.

