56.9 F
March 8, 2025

Tag: robert “the ghost” guerrero

Youth boxing gets permanent home in Gilroy

GILROY—After nearly two years of work behind the scenes, Gilroy’s youth boxing program finally has a permanent home. It’s a return to its former location from over a decade ago in the heart of downtown.

Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero donates $100K to BFC Foundation

GILROY—A little more than a year ago, Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero presented 12-year-old Caley Camarillo with a miniature WBC World Title belt that made her beam from ear to ear. The belt was a symbol of Camarillo’s strength as she battled cystic fibrosis, the disease that ultimately claimed her life in June 2014.

Boxing: Guerrero notches split decision victory over Martinez

CARSON—For the second straight fight, Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero found himself on the floor of the ring. And just like before, he got back up and continued to fight.

Seeing Red: Sunshine and Sports

It’s June and that marks the start of my favorite season: summer.

City capital improvement bond and PG&E’s holdup of the Frys.com Open

Great turnout for Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero Day in downtown Gilroy on Saturday – quite a mix of music, cool old cars and booths featuring everything from Oakland Raiders gear to motorcycle parts to Christian reading materials. Through all the hubbub, Robert patiently signed autographs, stayed cheerful and chatted with fans as the long lines of people waited to meet and greet him. Good guy, hope there’s another marquee fight in his future. That would be good for “The Ghost” and good for Gilroy.

Fishing for a hometown hero, and choo-choo the Garlic Fest train...

Played a round of golf at Eagle Ridge recently with an out-of-town fellow in a funny hat, a real talker as it turns out. We shook hands, introduced ourselves and he said, “Do you fish?” Then I noticed the fisherman-style boots and pegged the hat. I have fished, mostly with a fly-fishing guide, but I’m not a fisherman. Never played golf with someone who yakked about fishing so much that I thought he was going to pull out a pole when we were teeing off on No. 12, the hole that runs around Santa Teresa Boulevard. Indeed, he went over, gazed across the pond and looked deeply into the water before proclaiming, “Yep, there’s bass in there, I’m sure of it, big bass, too.” In case you’re wondering, yep, he smacked a low liner right into the water – bait for the lurking bass. Saturday morning, you can do better. There’s the Third Annual Jeramy Ailes Fishing Derby to honor our own hero, Corporal Ailes, who was killed in Iraq. It’s at McAlpine Lake in San Juan Bautista. Registration begins at 6 a.m. with the derby from 7 to 11 a.m.  followed by a BBQ and prizes. Cost is 13 and up $35, 12 and under $25, day pass with no fishing $17, 2 and under free. Funds go to the Jeramy Ailes Memorial Scholarship. All the fishy details are available at: mcalpinelake.com/jeramyailesmemorialderby.html. Get up early, bring the kids and honor Jeramy’s sacrifice.

Has your opinion of Gilroy’s champion boxer, Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero,...

• No. As is common with the news, I believe this has been blown out of

For good reason, ‘Ghost’ won’t be singing ‘I love New York’...

After sifting through all the info, think our champion boxer and good guy, Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero got  New Yorked big time. Unless there’s a change in facts, there’s something terribly wrong with what went down in John F. Kennedy Airport. Recap: On his east coast media swing, Guerrero brings a gun in a locked case and magazine clips – no ammunition – that he plans to use at a gun range in Las Vegas, where he’s directly headed to after the east coast swing. He presents the gun in a locked case at the airport and gets arrested. Somebody leaks the story that a celebrity got popped with a gun at the airport to the NY TV stations and the media mob grabs ahold. That’s how it works folks, and the first reports are, “Guerrero arrested with unlicensed handgun at JFK.” Not good, but by-golly-gee the initial press release from Queens County District Attorney Richard A. Brown conveniently ignores the fact that Guerrero registered the gun in California and buries the fact that he voluntarily declared the gun at the ticket counter following what he believed was the law. Instead there’s this “rich” quote from the grandstanding New York DA: “I hope that Mr. Guerrero fights better than he thinks. For anyone who hasn’t gotten the message, let me be crystal clear. You cannot bring an unlicensed weapon – loaded or unloaded – into this county or this city. And if you do you will be arrested and face felony charges.” Should Guerrero have known better? Sure, it wasn’t the brightest move. Should he be convicted of a felony and spend time in prison? Without further damning evidence, absolutely, positively NO! Guerrero made a few mistakes, perhaps the biggest is not talking to the local newspaper. We’ve followed him since he was fighting in Lemoore, CA and not to speak directly to the people in Gilroy who have so long supported him is a judgment error, no matter what “the handlers” are telling you. Next time have Federal Express deliver the gun to Vegas (if that’s legal) and stay clear of New York, it’s full of trouble and big mouths.

Tip the hat to a generous ‘Ghost’ and upcoming Passport Weekend...

“Da Mayor” Richie Perez has done many a kind deed to support so many different organizations in this town via his connection with the San Jose Sharks. Now, he has occasion to ask Gilroyans to return his generosity to help his nephew, John Vasquez, battle multiple myeloma, a cancer that starts in the plasma cells in bone marrow. John needs a bone marrow transplant, and the medical costs are soaring. Chef de Gilroy Cuisine Dave Bozzo is handling BBQ meal duties for the Saturday, April 27 fundraising event at Christmas Hill Park which begins at noon. It’s $20 for an adult meal ticket and there will be a raffle, too. Richie and the Vasquez family are asking for raffle item donations. If you have an item, call Bobbie Vasquez at 408-310-5626 and, as they say, pay that Gilroy generosity forward.

