64.7 F
October 5, 2024

Tag: saint louise hospital

Saint Louise owner seeks Chap. 11 protection

The owners of Saint Louise Regional Hospital today filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 to “reorganize and facilitate an orderly and efficient sale...

Wounds aplenty, but taking the chainsaw to heritage oaks? Shame

Licking my wounds … not sure which gashes were inflicted by our just-completed home loan refinancing process or which were the result of the 49ers loss Sunday. Both were unnecessarily tortuous. The 49ers should have and could have overcome the bad calls and won the game, but I agree with our Gilroy brethren, former 49er QB Jeff Garcia, who said in a radio interview that the final play fade route throw from Colin Kaepernick to wide receiver Michael Crabtree, which resulted in an interception, was the wrong call for a number of reasons. The throw would have had to have been perfect, said Garcia. Yep, not the smart call or the percentage play, and I appreciate Garcia telling it like it is. He, after all, learned from the best. His father, Bobby, still calls them like he sees them.

$16 billion state deficit, watcha gonna do voters?

Let’s start right off the bat: Gov. Jerry Brown and his Band of Little Renown can take his more taxes plan and stuff it. I’m sick of the state government trying to bleed us dry, stealing tax money from our city government, closing down RDA entities to feed their spending habits and threatening the purse strings of our schools. The farther away the money gets, the less control we the taxpayers have over it.  Cut the state budget. Vote against every state incumbent, vote against every tax. Unfortunately, it’s at the point where I believe that’s what it’s going to take to shake the status quo up. California government is not serving us, the people who pay the taxes. California government, despite a $16 billion deficit, increases spending. Nobody in California has the guts to really wade in, apply common sense, accept the pain that goes with reality and change things. This quote, posted by OldMan64 on our website comment board, spoke volumes and, if the voters don’t do something drastic very soon, this state is going down the tubes. OldMan’s choice hammered it home: “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” ~ Alexis de Tocqueville, ca. 1830. Vote them all out, vote against more taxes. Do it, and we might save our state and the American Republic.

Letters: Patient safety at Saint Louise Hospital; Middle class beware, taxes...

Saint Louise Hospital’s recent patient issues an example of why regulators are needed

3 letters: Hospital tax hike no way; conservatives don’t walk the...

Saint Louise sales tax increase survey essentially rigged to foster a ‘positive' response

Startled that Saint Louise Hospital might seek tax assistance

"An evil action cannot be justified by reference to a good intention."

Water district progress

Cheers to the Santa Clara Valley Water District board and employees who recently negotiated new contracts that will save the agency $7.7 million over the life of the three-year contracts. Starting in April 2012, employees will contribute 15 percent of their health care premiums and pay an increase of 1.1 percent to 11 percent of contributions toward the California Public Employees Retirement System. And, new employees who start after Jan. 1 2012 will earn a rate of 2 percent of their salary for retirement plans, multiplied by their years of service at the age of 60. Current employees maintain the 2.5 percent at the age of 55. Employees will also lose a paid holiday, reducing them to 12 per year. Sick leave payouts upon retirement are capped at 480, with a 50 percent rate of the equivalent cash value.

Would you vote for an additional local sales tax to financially...

• Yes, as much as I feel the weight of our tax burden, I do believe our community is served well by Saint Louise. • No. Hospital is supposed to be self-sufficient. We are already paying for the Gilroy Unified School District, Gavilan Community College and the library. • No. Although I support nonprofits personally, this is a religious based facility and should not be supported by a local sales tax measure. • Why would the public support a private hospital? • No. There are other areas to tackle in terms of leadership that won’t be resolved with a local tax. • No. Saint Louise is profit based, they can raise their own funds! • Yes. Having a local hospital is a very key need in South County and it's a critical business worthy of community support. Quality health care is more important than a new library, a police station building or many other public endeavors. • No. This financing is the responsibility of the owners, the Daughters of Charity. • Yes, the sales tax is generated largely by out-of-town shoppers, so they would be paying for something that benefits the local residents.

