music in the park, psychedelic furs

Wednesday 3.16
Raise School Funding Ideas With Parents
Ascension Solorsano will host their Parents Club meeting on
Wednesday at 7pm in the staff lounge. All interested parents are
invited to join in for sharing fundraising and eighth grade
graduation ideas. Open discussion.
For details call the school at 848-4121.
Wednesday 3.16

Raise School Funding Ideas With Parents

Ascension Solorsano will host their Parents Club meeting on Wednesday at 7pm in the staff lounge. All interested parents are invited to join in for sharing fundraising and eighth grade graduation ideas. Open discussion.

For details call the school at 848-4121.

Books For Sale

Friends of the Morgan Hill Library hold a used book sale on the third Wednesday of each month from 10am to 6pm and on the first Saturday from 10am to 5pm in the library meeting room, 17575 Peak Ave.

Details: 779-3196 or 779-3995.

Nutrition Site Council

Meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 9:30 to 11am in the Gilroy Senior Center meeting room, 7371 Hanna St.

Details: 842-4200.

Memorial District

South Santa Clara Valley Memorial District Board of Directors will hold its regular meeting on the third Wednesday of each month beginning at 7 pm at the Veterans Memorial Building, 74 W. Sixth St., Gilroy.

Details: 842-4969.

Thursday 3.17

Breathe Easy

Saint Louise Regional Hospital, 9400 No Name Uno, will host a Better Breathers Club Meeting featuring “Respiratory Therapy” in the boardroom from 11:30am to 12:30pm.

Respiratory Therapist Susan Riddell will speak on respiratory therapies, including inhalers, and breathing techniques and exercises. Event is free, but spaced is limited so reservations are required.

To RSVP, or for details, call the ALA at 998-5864, BBC volunteer Jean at 779-7564 or visit

Historic Heritage

A Historic Heritage meeting will be held at 4pm, in the planning conference room.

San Martin Neighborhood Alliance

Participate in the San Martin Neighborhood Alliance, a “Grass Roots” organization to help preserve the unique character and identity of your community. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 7pm at the Lions Club Hall on Murphy Ave.

Details: or 683-2667.

Fil-Am Club

The Fil-Am Club meets on the third Thursday of each month at 12:30pm in the Gilroy Senior Center meeting room, 7371 Hanna St. Visitors and new members are welcome.

Details: 842-4200.

DivorceCare Program

Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave., is offering “DivorceCare,” a support group for those who are going through, or have gone through divorce or separation, every Thursday from 7 to 9pm through March 31.

Weekly sessions help to learn how to deal with the pain of your past and look forward to rebuilding your life. There are also weekly sessions for children. Cost is $15 for materials.

Register online at the door,, or call 842-3000.

Friday 3.18

Concert In The Church

United Methodist Church, 7600 Church St., will host a musical concert on Friday at 7:30pm. American vintage cornet music and hand harmonica will be performed by Herman Schmalzried and accompanied by Eunice Coates. Concert waltzes on the piano will be featured by Candace Fazzio.

Admission is free.

Freewill offering to benefit the California Retired Teachers Association Scholarship Fund.

For details call Eunice

at 779-3003.

Send news items to City Editor Robert Airoldi. FAX to 842-2206, mail to Gilroy Dispatch, 6400 Monterey Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 or e-mail ed****@ga****.com.

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