They may not know the way to San Jose, but South Valley tourists will definitely know their way around Gilroy thanks to a project funded by the city council this week.
The city has agreed to sign a $114,218 one-year contract extension with Arrow Sign Company of Oakland, to place 69 signs letting people know what is what and where is where in the city.
The company has already spent more than $335,000 on signs since 2015, among them four aluminum trellis arch decorative signs that say “Welcome to Gilroy” which each cost $11,542. Additionally, 22 aluminum decorative arch directional signs, each costing $6,565 and seven aluminum directional signs with decorative tops, each costing $3,812 according to the contract between the city and Arrow Sign Company initially signed in March 2015.
Additionally according to the 2015 contract 22 aluminum trailblazer signs with flags and decorative tops costing $2,201 and 20 single face aluminum sign mounted signs costing $3,464.
The modified contract will add an additional decorative aluminum 6 foot by 7 inches high and 7 foot by 7 inches long “Welcome to Gilroy” sign.
In 2011 the Gilroy City Council approved a project to install wayfinding and guiding signs throughout the city to promote tourism in the city. The original project, which included 17 welcoming signs was deemed to be such a success that more work was commissioned.
Because of the project’s success, a new agreement with Arrow Signs was entered into on July 8, 2015, for an amount not to exceed $334,988. The contract allowed for the city to work jointly with Arrow Signs to ultimately install 69 wayfinding signs designed to emphasize the city’s unique qualities throughout the life of the contract.
The signs include signs meant to welcome visitors to the city, post and pole mounted directional signs. As of today, all of the signs have been manufactured and have been inspected by the city.
The Department of Public Works has also purchased general liability insurance to cover the installation of the signs.
While most of the signs are located within the city, 15 are located along county right-of-ways and 20 are to be located on Caltrans right-of-ways.