music in the park, psychedelic furs

Jackknifed truck spills fuel
– Approximately 15 gallons of diesel fuel was spilled on Morgan
Hill streets after a tractor trailer jackknifed on Highway 101 at
the Dunne Avenue exit Tuesday afternoon.
Jackknifed truck spills fuel

MORGAN HILL – Approximately 15 gallons of diesel fuel was spilled on Morgan Hill streets after a tractor trailer jackknifed on Highway 101 at the Dunne Avenue exit Tuesday afternoon. The driver, who was not injured, drove the rig off the highway, while fuel spilled from a two-inch gap in the fuel tank.

Driving west down Dunne Avenue, the driver then turned onto Walnut Grove and pulled into a vacant lot behind the Kentucky Fried Chicken and the Chevron at Laurel Avenue, spreading the diesel fuel on each of the streets.

Santa Clara County Fire Capt. Kevin Murphy and firefighter Bruce Law worked with a hazardous materials crew and public works employees to clean up the spill.

“The crew responded quickly and got to work dyking off the storm drains to keep the fuel out of the waterways as much as possible,” Battalion Chief Brad Darbro said Wednesday. “It doesn’t appear as if there was that much fuel that actually got into the waterways.”

The spill also caused a separate accident, but not due to the slippery fuel: someone driving on Dunne Avenue apparently was watching the cleanup activity and rear-ended the car in front of her.

Students awarded at Ambassador’s Ball

GILROY – Five students will compete for scholarships on Friday, May 2, at the 16th Annual Gilroy Hispanic Chamber Ambassador’s Ball. Angelica Olmos, Lupe Ramirez, Miriam Silvas, Marbella Tovar and Victor Velasco are finalists in the areas of leadership, community service and academic success. All five will receive scholarships that range from $800 to $2,850. The Ambassador Ball began in 1988 to acknowledge and encourage young adults with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher who are involved in some aspect of community service to continue their education and support them in attending a four-year university. Applications were received from Gilroy and Gavilan students and were open to both male and female students. The event will be held at the Elk’s Lodge with dinner at 7 p.m. and a program following. Tickets are $50 per person and/or $400 per table. Details: 848-7139.

Grad night rummage sale

GILROY – The Gilroy High School Grad Night Rummage Sale will take place on Saturday, May 3, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the high school. To donate rummage for the sale, bring it to room G-3 between 6:30 and 8 p.m. on May 2. For more information, call Kathleen Diaz at 848-6310.

Fun in the sun

GILROY – On Saturday, May 3, from noon to 4 p.m., children of all ages can have fun in the sun at the Premium Outlets first Children’s Fair. Located in the Building C, the fair will include jump houses, free children’s fingerprinting by the Gilroy Police Department, a craft corner, games, prizes, music, entertainment, a raffle and more. All proceeds from the fair will benefit the Oakland Children’s Hospital, the local Miracle Network affiliated hospital. Auntie Anne’s Hand-Rolled Soft Pretzels will give participants the opportunity to learn the art of twisting their very own pretzel. Details: 842-3729.

Stay busy at The Wize Owl

GILROY – The Wize Owl is hosting a beauty seminar on Saturday, May 3 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Hair care professionals, certified skin care professionals and a make-up expert will speak and offer one free service in a drawing after the event. Details: 848-9090.

Rabbits, poultry and goats … oh my!

SAN MARTIN – Come learn about rabbits, poultry, pygmy goats, entomology and bee-keeping at the Santa Clara County 4-H sponsored countywide Small Animal Field Day, on Saturday, May 3, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the San Martin Lions Club. See what it’s like to care for a small animal. Learn about showing, proper handling, grooming and how to pick out a proper pet or show animals. There will be demonstrations, games, informational displays, a barbecue lunch and other activities. Details: Kim McPhearson at 686-0806.

Fly-in for Cinco De Mayo

SAN MARTIN – The Cinco de Mayo Wings of History will fly into the South County Airport on Saturday, May 3, and Sunday, May 4, from sunup to sundown. There will be plane rides, displays, food, free admission to the museum and much more. For more information, contact the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce at 779-9444.

Carry baton for Relay for Life

GILROY – The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life will be held from Saturday, June 21, at 10 a.m. to Sunday, June 22, at 10 a.m., at the Christmas Hill Ranch Site. This event raises money for cancer research, education, advocacy and service. Walk, run, camp out, eat, cheer, dance, make friends and have fun. Put together a team of friends, honor loved ones by purchasing a luminaria, participate in the opening ceremonies as a cancer survivor and more. Details. or call (800) ACS-2345.

Magic of the arts

MORGAN HILL – The Recreation and Community Services Division, Police Department and First Five Santa Clara County are teaming up to bring a day of art and safety to families with children ages infant to 11 years. Art ala Carte and the Children’s Safety Faire will be held at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center on Saturday, May 17, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The theme of this fourth annual Art ala Carte is “The Magic of the Arts” and will be kicked off with “Magic Mike’s Funhouse Shows” in the Community Playhouse at 10:30 a.m. with a repeat performance at 2:30 p.m. The “Magic of the Arts” creative art workshops and the Children’s Safety Faire activities will start at 11 a.m. There will be at least 15 different hands-on art projects to express creativity and several safety activities to explore and collect valuable information including face painting, balloon animals, ceramics, expressions in paint, magic flower magnets and more.

Admission is free and seating is limited. Advanced tickets are highly recommended and will be available for Art ala Carte and the Magic Shows at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center starting Thursday, May 1. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Details: 782-0008.

Walk on the wild side

MORGAN HILL – Join Dr. Jane Haley, a national park docent for 20 years and Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center volunteer, on Saturday, May 3, from 9 to 11 a.m. along Coyote Creek for the last in a series of Spring Bird Walks. Participants will discover an appreciation for local birds, their habitat and ecological importance.

Due to the terrain, this walk is not recommended for young children. The program is free, space is limited and reservations are required. Details: 779-9372.

News Items: Please fax local news items to City Editor Jodi Engle at 842-2206, e-mail to ed****@ga****.com or mail to 6400 Monterey St. Gilroy.

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