music in the park, psychedelic furs

Rotary flower sale
– The Goldsmith Seeds and Gilroy Rotary Club flower sale will
take place on Saturday, April 19, from 8 a.m. to noon or until all
the annuals, perennials, hanging baskets and more are gone. Credit
cards won’t be accepted, wagons are OK but don’t bring strollers.
Refreshments will be on sale. The ev
ent will take place at Goldsmith Seeds Greenhouse, 2280 Hecker
Pass Highway. All proceeds support local charities. Details:
‘Let’s murder Marsha’ finale

GILROY – Pintello Comedy Theater presents “Let’s Murder Marsha,” a clever comedy of mistaken inten-tions, through April 19. Perform-ances will take place at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights at 8531 Church St. All seats are $15. Reservations for the table-seating playhouse can be made via e-mail to pi******@ga****.com or by calling 776-8004.

Easter arts and crafts fair

CASA DE FRUTA – Visit the ninth annual Easter Weekend Arts and Crafts Fair at the Casa de Fruta pavilion area on Saturday and Sunday, April 19 and 20, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission and parking are free. There will be live bluegrass and old-time music as well as an Easter egg hunt on Saturday at 11 a.m. Casa de Fruta is located on Highway 152, between Interstate 5 and Highway 101. Details: (559) 877-3474.

Lord’s Table Easter dinner

GILROY – The Lord’s Table will offer a free Easter dinner on Sunday, April 20, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. An egg hunt for the children will begin at 4 p.m. Music will be provided throughout the dinner. The Lord’s Table is located at St. Mary’s, 11 First St.


FFA flower sale

GILROY – Support Gilroy Future Farmers of America at their flower sale on Saturday, April 19, from 6 a.m. until everything is sold. Come to the parking lot between Kragens and Straw Hat Pizza on North First Street. Details: 847-2424 ext. 2367.

College bound Chevys style

GILROY – Enjoy lunch or dinner on Tuesday, April 22, at Chevys, 8440 Murray Ave., and 20 percent of the proceeds will be donated to a college scholarship program for graduates at Mt. Madonna. Customers must put their receipts in the fund-raiser box at the host stand to receive credit. Call 847-2726 to reserve a seat.

Vendors wanted

GILROY – Vendors are wanted for Rebekah Children’s Services Annual Spring Festival, Carnival and County Fair. The events will be held on Saturday and Sunday, April 26 and 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 290 IOOF Ave. For more information, call 846-2140.

Have a barn? save a cat

SAN MARTIN – The San Martin Shelter currently has many cats that do not wish to be pets. These independent cats are beautiful and healthy. They would love to pay their own way by taking care of your rodent problems in exchange for food and shelter. The cats will be altered and vaccinated prior to placement. A $25 donation to Friends of San Martin Animal Shelter helps cover the cost of their veterinary care. Details:


Bikes, birds and bobcats

MORGAN HILL – On Saturday, April 19, join a Park Ranger on an easy two hour bike ride to explore the nature of the Coyote Creek Bike Trail. Meet at the Anderson Park Office at the end of Malaguerra Ave. at 9 a.m. Bring a bike, helmet and water. Call 779-3634 for details.

Downtown flea market

GILROY – There will be a flea market in downtown Gilroy the third Saturday of every month starting on April 19. The event will take place at the Lewis Street parking lot, at the corner of Monterey and Lewis streets. Spaces are 9 feet wide by 20 feet deep. Set up is from 7 to 8:30 a.m. and the market continues until 3 p.m. The fee is $20 per space. Vendors must supply their own tables, chairs, umbrellas, etc. and are responsible for trash cleanup in their own space. Details: 842-0180.

News Items: Please fax local news items to City Editor Jodi Engle at 842-2206, e-mail to ed****@ga****.com or mail to 6400 Monterey St. Gilroy.

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