Downtown project simply must be finished on time as the city
promised business owners
The following organizations and individuals deserve either CHEERS or JEERS this week:

JEERS: For the news that the downtown construction project is falling behind. It should have been crystal clear to the city from the outset that this is not an option. Asking downtown businesses to endure the very real economic pain of shutting down Monterey Street for six months is one thing; telling the owners that the timeline “just isn’t working out” is a violation of trust. Mayor Al Pinheiro, the focal point for the city on downtown, better roll up his sleeves and find a way to get this project moving and done on time. The city owes the downtown business owners that much.

CHEERS: For the generosity of the Gilroy community in the wake of the tragic accident that took 5-year-old Brayan Trejo’s life. Donations to defray funeral expenses can be made to account # 8616703883 which is set up at Wells Fargo Bank, 273 E. 10th St. in Gilroy.

JEERS: For San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzales, who has arrogantly refused to resign even after being indicted over a secretly negotiated garbage contract. “It’s all about Ron” has always been the mayor’s problem. His latest – and hopefully final – disgrace is refusing to do what’s best for the city of San Jose and the region. Stepping down graciously would have cleared the path for progress. Alas, the temptation of power is too much for Gonzales.

CHEERS: For the city’s selection to receive a $1 million state grant to improve our trail system. A southerly path along Uvas Creek that would extend the wildly popular levee trail by a mile is a welcome addition, as is a northern trail connecting Antonio del Buono School with the Lions Gate development.

JEERS: For the city of Hollister, which killed a golden opportunity by canceling this year’s Independence Day motorcycle rally. There’s no reason the event can’t be organized and economically successful. These days, Harleys and wine tasting can go together.

CHEERS: For the slow resurrection of a South Santa Clara Valley Winemakers. Together, area wineries can be a marketing force. Without a cohesive plan, however, there lacks a focus that deprives our region of its potential. The winemakers’ marketing efforts, hopefully, will match the ascending quality of the wines coming from our region.

JEERS: For parents who allow their children to play with fireworks unsupervised, legal or illegal. Fire danger is too much of a concern in our area to allow such horseplay. Make sure the lesson is clear about enjoying legal fireworks on the Fourth of July only in a supervised setting.

CHEERS: For all the community members contributing photographs to our daily feature on page A2. The feature is a testament to the creativity of our residents and the natural beauty that surrounds us.

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