The following individuals and organizations deserve either
CHEERS or JEERS this week:
The following individuals and organizations deserve either CHEERS or JEERS this week:

CHEERS: For the Gilroy School District’s efforts to promote literacy on a communitywide basis next week. “Love of Literacy” week will include guest “celebrity” readers visiting schools (some in costume), a “turn off the TV night” scheduled for Tuesday and various reading- and writing-related activities in district classrooms. Passing on the joy of reading is crucial to success for students and for our society. Call your neighborhood school to get involved or e-mail Jacki Horejs, GUSD’s Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, at [email protected].

CHEERS: For the American veterans honored by the nation Monday. Each has our respect and admiration for their service.

JEERS: For the school district’s slow progress on accelerating the adoption of expanded honors programs at Gilroy High School. Gilroy Unified must understand that parents have been waiting for the reinstatement of honors classes for a decade. How to deal with failing students is not the issue. How to challenge motivated, committed students is. If the district keeps dragging its bureaucratic feet, it runs the risk of losing good will recently earned. Moreover, parents will turn cynical and say that the district turned its back as soon as parents passed the bond. That’s the absolutely last thing GUSD needs at this point. Administrators and Board members better make sure that they are really listening to what parents are saying. It would be a grave and perhaps irreversible error to do otherwise.

CHEERS: For those members of the community who are refusing to let the issue of improving downtown Gilroy die. Remember, in persistence there can be great genius.

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