Hilary Swank, as Maggie Fitzgerald, just plays someone who has
music in the park, psychedelic furs

So, tell us, what did you think of

Million Dollar Baby

It was a great film.
How were the fight scenes … realistic or a bit over-the-top?
How do you think the boxing in the movie compares to fight scenes
in other boxing movies?
So, tell us, what did you think of “Million Dollar Baby”?

It was a great film.

How were the fight scenes … realistic or a bit over-the-top? How do you think the boxing in the movie compares to fight scenes in other boxing movies?

The fight scenes were good for a movie, you expect them not to be exactly like a real fight. I believe there is only one other movie made with girl fighters, a movie called “Girl Fight” … and compared to that movie, the fight scenes in “Million Dollar Baby” were a big improvement.

We heard a rumor that you were consulted by the writer of the film about your career. Did that really happen? Did you see anything familiar from your life in the film?

I was not approached regarding this film. As for what was familiar, I think they attempted to show how hard we work to be the best, and they did a fair job of it. Nobody would believe how hard we really work.

Do you ever worry about suffering a debilitating injury from a sucker punch thrown by an opponent, as happened to Maggie Fitzgerald at the end of the movie?

Sure, there’s dirty fighters out there, but it’s not something I worry about. It’s something you have to take into consideration, though. In the sport that I’m in, you see fighters who talk a little funny or aren’t quite right and that concerns me. But it’s a chance that I take as a fighter.

How about the flip side of that coin. Not that you’d ever throw a dirty punch and granted, you’re in the ring to hurt the other fighter, but do you ever worry about seriously injuring an opponent with one of your punches?

As sad as it would be if that ever happened, I just can’t worry about it. I mean, I’ve actually given a girl brain damage from a punch to the nose. And she can’t fight anymore because of it. Sure it’s sad but that’s a risk we take. And honestly, if I was concerned about being hurt that badly in the ring, I probably shouldn’t be fighting.

Tell us a little bit about your upcoming fight schedule.

We are considering a couple of possibilities and will let you know when we are able to discuss them.

You’re an on-call firefighter now, but you’ve just undergone some training for a full-time firefighting career. Will it be tougher to train and box when you’re in a firehouse full-time? What is it about being a firefighter that appeals to you?

Yes, I am an on-call paid firefighter and I am searching for a full-time firefighter position. I do not think it will be tougher to train when I am a full-time firefighter, but I do think I’ll have to be more creative with my training … which I think will be a good thing. I can always train at the firehouse. As for being a firefighter, I enjoy feeling available to assist and help people in need.

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