41.5 F
January 23, 2025

Spoking My Mind: Noticing November

Recently, I’ve begun to feel very sorry for November. It seems like every year now, just about the beginning of the 10th month, October and December start to battle for supremacy.  In more and more stores, Halloween skeletons battle Christmas trees in one aisle, while...

Letter: Gilroy business PAC announces endorsements

The Gilroy Business Political Action Committee or (GILPAC) Committee, a legislative arm of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce announces the following endorsements for 2024 local City of Gilroy positions: Mayor: Marie BlankleyCity Council Members: Terence Fugazzi, Kelly Ramirez, Fred Tovar  The GILPAC committee is made up...

Registrar: Ballots are in the mail for Nov. 5 election

Ballots and other information contained in the Santa Clara County vote-by-mail packet will be sent to more than 1.04 million local voters starting this week, according to election officials. The packets for the Nov. 5 general election are being mailed to every active registered...

Cura Contemporary celebrates grand opening in downtown Morgan Hill

Hundreds of people attended the long anticipated grand opening of the Cura Contemporary art center in downtown Morgan Hill on Nov. 16. Featuring two floors of exhibition space—currently displaying works from dozens of artists—as well as areas for workshops and demonstrations, a ground floor wine...

Spoking My Mind: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Gear!

Ho, ho, ho! We’ve made it to December! Here is my yuletide gift to you, my dear readers!  'Twas the night before Christmas, a time we all like, Not a creature was stirring, not even my bike! The tires were hung by the chimney with care, With hopes...

Religion: Learn about Faith of our Neighbors Sept. 22

Everyone in South County is invited to Faith of our Neighbors, an educational program presented by the Interfaith CommUNITY of South County (ICSC) and the Interfaith Clergy Alliance.  In this series, the focus is on the ways different faiths acknowledge and celebrate lifecycles, including birth,...

Renaissance Faire celebrates 20th anniversary

The Northern California Renaissance Faire will soon wrap up its 20th anniversary year at Casa de Fruta in Hollister, with one last weekend allowing guests to step back in time for medieval revelry, camaraderie, entertainment and competition.  The festival features merchandise from fine artisans and...

Preserving the Past: An open letter to William Shatner

Dear Mr. Shatner, Our town was captivated by your gratitude when the Tognetti family returned your lost wallet. In return, I want to share two Gilroy connections of which you are probably unknown. First, did you know the helmsman and engineer of the USS Enterprise was...

LETTER: Improve public transit fairly and equitably

The proposed pay-to-drive plan under Plan Bay Area 2050 aims to address congestion and environmental issues by imposing charges on driving in certain areas. This includes dual lanes with tolls for less congested lanes and per-mile tolling charges. While intended to reduce traffic and promote...

Folklorico music conference coming to Central Coast

Esperanza del Valle, Pajaro Valley’s long-standing Mexican folklorico dance group, is preparing for the “Reinforcing Cultural Identity” conference coming to Cabrillo College on Aug. 15-25. The group will welcome Ballet Folklórico del Puerto de Veracruz de la Universidad Veracruzana, from Mexico, to offer a series...

