More than 600 ghosts, goblins, pirates, superheroes and other fun-seeking individuals converged on Downtown Gilroy on Oct. 15 for the 2022 Beer Crawl.
The seventh annual event had the largest attendance ever, almost doubling the attendance from the prior year, according to the Gilroy Downtown Business Association, which organized the event.
The event sold out early, both presales online and day of sales. This year’s event included 21 pour stations scattered in various businesses downtown and only featured local micro-breweries including Settle Down Beer and Promised Land Brewing located in downtown Gilroy.
“We have seen a significant growth in microbreweries in the South Bay with the result being a wider variety along with better quality offerings,” GDBA Board member John Taft said. “Part of the fun of having the Beer Crawl is that everyone involved is a local small business.”
Most participants were dressed in Halloween oriented costumes, a tradition of the Beer Crawl.
“There was a significant increase in the number of visitors from outside Gilroy,” GDBA Executive Director Nancy Maciel said. “This year we had many participants come from as far as Santa Clara, San Jose and Milpitas as well as our neighboring communities of Morgan Hill, Watsonville and Hollister. I think the word is spreading that this is a great event to attend followed by an evening enjoying the downtown restaurants.”
Gary Walton, Gilroy Downtown Business Association president, added, “We really want to thank the hard-working Steering Committee of nine Gilroy beer geniuses, beer lovers and Visit Gilroy. The Steering Committee along with our volunteers help make this event a success. Finally, none of this could happen without the support of this year’s sponsors, Covale Taproom, Pinnacle Bank, El Charrito Market and Nob Hill Foods.”
The Beer Crawl is scheduled to return Oct. 14. Presales will start in August.