The wait is over and high school seniors no longer have to hover
around the mailbox. Seniors across the country start making life
choices as to where they will be next year, taking a small step
toward becoming a

grown up.

The wait is over and high school seniors no longer have to hover around the mailbox. Seniors across the country start making life choices as to where they will be next year, taking a small step toward becoming a “grown up.”

All the applications are in and it’s too late to send a plate of brownies to the board of admissions. The colleges for the most part have made their decisions and very few students haven’t made theirs.

Seniors work all year on college applications, writing college essays and desperately trying to make themselves appear as “well rounded” as possible.

Don’t kid yourselves folks, these essays are no “What I did for my summer vacation” essays. The point of the essays is to express the personality traits that one has developed from one’s life experiences. It pretty much shows just how much living students have done during their short adolescent lifetimes.

Universities look at a few key aspects of the students’ profiles including test scores, grades, extra curricular activities and an overall perspective on personality.

Personality is where the essay comes in and some places even hold a one-on-one interview with prospective students.

These interviews can range from relaxed and calm, to somewhat stressful, to “oh my gosh get me out of here!”

When some people think of going to college they think of a thriving center of academia. Others associate it with the John Belushi movie, “Animal House.” Personally, I like to think college will be a little bit of both.

Students in Gilroy are going places so don’t have your doubts. There is definitely a trend to stay in California. Believe me, I don’t blame students for wanting to stay here. We have great weather, great people, and most importantly, a great university system.

Very few students are planning to go out of state. These include Brianna Livingston who is attending BYU and Stacie Jenson and Lindsey Beckle who are both going to UVSC in Utah. In addition, Mark Kennedy will be attending University of Arizona.

The college that is taking the most out of the Gilroy High pool is Cal Poly. The following seniors will be attending Cal Poly next year: Jared Gamm, Amy Kishimura, Mallory Homewood, Alyssa Habing, Carissa Filice, and Katherine Kwong. As many know, it has become increasingly difficult to get accepted by Cal Poly.

Rivaling Cal Poly in GHS attendance is Long Beach. Next year going to Long Beach will be Chris Hunt, Travis Briscoe, Matt Arviz, Sean Brady, Brittany Fellows, and Leah Deleon.

Attending U.C. San Diego will be Michelle DiFiore and Zach Dooley, while Steven Good will be going to U.C. Santa Cruz. Going to U.C. Santa Barbera will be Randy Higashi, Joel Tovar and Felix Motagalvan.

Several students are taking advantage of the state schools that California has to offer. Attending San Francisco State will be Sarah Chase, Sarah Grove and Jennifer Stroh. Attending San Jose State will be Kim Spaulding, Angelique Geiger, Amy Trujillo, Meg Perkins, Andrew Alcones and Patrick Largo. Jeena Fabie will be going to Cal State Fullerton and Peter Mickartz will be going to Chico State.

Stephanie Orth will be flying solo to Chapman and Tasha Loporto will be attending Berkeley. Alex Williams will be attending the National Holistic Institute, which is one of the top ten massage schools in the nations.

There are always those students who choose to go into the Armed Forces after high school. These include Anthony Christian who is going into the Air Force, and Fermin Parra who is going into the Navy.

We can all be proud of this year’s senior class. If I missed someone, please contact me and I will make sure to include him or her in my next column. Congratulations to all those going on to two-year colleges, four-year colleges and the military. For all those leaving Gilroy soon, I hope you’ll remember to take a little bit of Mustang Pride with you

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