Grad Night
– a safe-and-sober but tons-of-fun, all-night diploma
celebration that parents and the community host for local high
school graduates – is almost upon us.
Grad Night – a safe-and-sober but tons-of-fun, all-night diploma celebration that parents and the community host for local high school graduates – is almost upon us.
Newly minted Gilroy High School alumni will be able to celebrate with their classmates at extravagant-themed parties – and live to tell about it.
That’s the importance of Grad Night: Because of the parties, South Valley hasn’t had a serious graduation-related accident in years. Let’s keep it that way.
Times are tough – kids are having a hard time affording Grad Night tickets, and organizers are having a more difficult time rounding up cash and in-kind donations.
If you’re asked to help, please do. As a community, we’ve invested a lot of time, money, effort, energy and resources into educating our children. Let’s make sure our kids have a fun, attractive alternative to drunken partying by helping organizers create compelling Grad Night celebrations.
If you’re asked to donate products for raffles or decorations, services for party set-up, clean-up or entertainment, or the most flexible donation of all – cash – please seriously consider supporting Grad Night. If you can volunteer your labor to help prep the Grad Night venue or to supervise the night of the party, please do so. Businesses and citizens benefit from this important community effort – it’s in the entire community’s interest to make sure our youth stay healthy – and alive.
If you haven’t been approached but would like to help, please contact Jody Yusim at 848-2405.
Brand-new high school graduates have most of the trappings of adulthood – they’ve usually reached the age of 18, have a sheepskin hanging on the wall, get to vote – but they’re young and inexperienced. Let’s make it easy for them to make the right choices when celebrating earning their high school diplomas. Support Grad Night.