– The city is now accepting applications for some $60,000 in
federal grant money that it plans to disburse to nonprofits,
charities and other community organizations through a competitive
process over the next fiscal year.
GILROY – The city is now accepting applications for some $60,000 in federal grant money that it plans to disburse to nonprofits, charities and other community organizations through a competitive process over the next fiscal year.

Primary objectives of the “public service” component of the Community Development Block Grant program include activities that benefit low-income households, aid in the prevention of slums or blight or meet an urgent community need. The funds are provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

“The intent is to primarily benefit low-income members of the community,” said Marilyn Roaf, who coordinates the city’s activities under the grant.

As is usually the case, there will likely be many more proposals than funds available. Last year, Council distributed roughly $67,000 in funds to 14 different public agencies. Winners ranged from St. Joseph’s Family Center housing and family services and Catholic Charities respite care to a Community Solutions women’s shelter and M.A.C.S.A summer camp program.

However, more than 18 agencies had applied for some $240,000 in assistance.

As in last year’s process, proposals that emphasize shelter, food and families are expected to receive priority.

Community agencies and programs submit competitive applications for the funds to city staff, who review them for completeness and distribute them to a special Community Advisory Committee. The committee reviews and ranks the applications and makes a recommendation to City Council, which makes final funding decisions.

Agencies also have an opportunity to make presentations to the CAC at a special meeting before the rankings are made.

Proposals for a share of this year’s funds are due at 5 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 27.

To get more information or apply for a share of the funds, contact the city’s Housing and Community Development department at 846-0290. Requests for proposals are available at Gilroy City Hall, 7351 Rosanna St. or can be viewed on the city’s Internet site at

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