The Gilroy City Council is scheduled to consider a project on Aug. 1 that would demolish a medical office complex on West Sixth Street and replace it with 19 single-family homes.
The proposal is located at the intersection of West Sixth and Princevalle streets, where Gilroy Pharmacy and various medical offices are located.
On July 7, the planning commission unanimously recommended the council rezone the 700 West Sixth St. site from its office designation to a single family residential zone. But Commissioner Stefanie Elle cast the lone dissenting vote on a separate motion to recommend the project, citing concerns she heard from neighbors regarding the project’s noticing and public access to a walkway through the development.
Warmington Residential, the developer of the project, is proposing 19 two-story single-family homes on a 3.69-acre site, with a new cul-de-sac private roadway from West Sixth Street.
Planner Miguel Contreras said the office complex was built as an ancillary to the former Wheeler Hospital across the street. But when the hospital closed and became apartments, the use of the office complex began to decline, he added.
The city’s 2040 General Plan identifies the property as a future housing site.
Marc Ziegler, who lives on Georgetown Place adjacent to the property, asked if the developer could include a gate that blocks public access to a path that leads into the development from Princevalle Street. He said there have been many instances of people camping out on the grassy knolls within the office complex, and said a public pathway could further the issue.
Drew Walstrum of Warmington Residential said there is no gate planned, but it could be part of the discussions as the process moves forward.
Walstrum added that if all is approved, the developer hopes to break ground in late January.
Elle motioned to continue the item to the next meeting, citing comments from some neighbors that many were unable to attend the July 7 meeting because they were out of town for the Fourth of July holiday. The motion died due to a lack of a seconder.
The city council will meet Aug. 1 at 6pm. The agenda will be posted at gilroyca.iqm2.com/Citizens/default.aspx.