music in the park, psychedelic furs

The following organizations and individuals deserve either
CHEERS or JEERS this week:
JEERS: For Hollister resident Timothy Murphy who has filed a
lawsuit to stake a claim to Barry Bonds’ 700th home run ball.
The following organizations and

individuals deserve either CHEERS or JEERS this week:

JEERS: For Hollister resident Timothy Murphy who has filed a lawsuit to stake a claim to Barry Bonds’ 700th home run ball. Murphy claims he had possession of the ball in his crotch before it was stolen from him by Steve Williams. Another fellow has also entered the legal battle. Alex Patino says (neener, neener, neener) he had the ball. What we need here is a judge with, ah, … enough wisdom to make a Solomonesque decision. Get all the interested parties into court, invite the TV cameras and shred the ball in front of everyone’s eyes. That might quiet the whining and bad sportsmanship we’ve seen following Barry’s historic home run romp. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone actually stood up and said, “I had it, and I muffed it.”

CHEERS: For the group of 25 citizens which is calling itself Casinos Represent a Poor Solution. They are fighting to waylay the Indian casino proposed just south of Gilroy. What they need is support from regional public officials. Give Mayor Al Pinheiro a call at 842-4619 or send him an e-mail at ap******* if you’d like him to take a stand against the Indian casino.

JEERS: For Morgan Hill City Attorney Helene Leichter who cut a “pain and suffering” deal with the city after Councilwoman Hedy Chang accused her of adultery. In yet another blow for the philosophy of “sue-who’-got-the- deep-pockets,” Morgan Hill agreed to pay Leichter $40,000, let her work from home two days a week for the rest of the year and handed her an additional seven weeks of vacation. Ridiculous. Morgan Hill taxpayers should be outraged. The city did not accuse her of having an affair and didn’t hire a private eye to follow her around. If she wanted to sue someone it should have been Chang. But Chang didn’t have seven weeks of vacation to dole out.

CHEERS: For Gilroyan Cherise Gowan who is getting ready to sing her heart out to try and win a spot on the wildly popular TV series American Idol. Best of luck.

JEERS: For the number of downtown Gilroy buildings which are still not up to earthquake safety standards. The City of Gilroy can build a $27 million police station, but we can’t help businesses with necessary retrofitting.

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