music in the park, psychedelic furs

Let me begin: I have known the honorable Rebeca Armendariz, member of the City Council of our great city, since she was a teenager and later as a staff member of the Citizen Project of Salinas, which was an off-site of the central office of Salinas. She proved herself to be a committed worker who went beyond the ordinary to do the extraordinary. Her responsibility for helping people who, under her tutorship, become United States citizens is a hallmark of her love of country. As an advocate in ensuring that the rights of people, according to the United States Constitution, are not trampled, is a sincere commitment that will always be her banner.

The Dispatch chose to use the title of the article regarding the time capsule, “Time capsule causes division,” when in fact it only caused debate. I regret the usage of such wording. Particularly in this day and age when I feel that our personal communication is wanting in descriptive vocabulary.

I am sorry the artist, Carol Peters, feels badly about the criticism of her work, but recording a historical event of this magnitude requires research, as all good writers and artists know. Please don’t feel bad. The notoriety will give you name recognition, to be sure.

And as for Mr. Robert H. Weaver’s letter in the Dispatch, let me say to Mr. Weaver: One thing that is abusive, arrogant and spiteful is the history of the Bracero days when ranchers fed them mush and toast for breakfast and bologna sandwiches for lunch.

Let me add that Rebeca Armendariz is the voice of the underrepresented and as such is destined to become a true community leader for all the people of our great country, including you, Mr. Weaver.

Thank you from the guy who delivered your Gilroy Evening Dispatch many years ago.

Edward P. “Eddie” Sanchez


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