Please do not touch the current health care reform plan. Why?
Because finally the American people have something of great value
for their whole family’s future.
Dear Editor,
Please do not touch the current health care reform plan. Why? Because finally the American people have something of great value for their whole family’s future.
My husband is a dentist and I am a real estate agent. We have nieces and nephews that are so fortunate/blessed to be covered by their parent’s insurance coverage until the age of 26. We also see and talk to many people daily who are not wealthy, they are just getting along day to day. They express their gratitude for the chance to be able to purchase an affordable health insurance.
Our belief is we don’t want anything free in this country and we don’t want the government to take care of us, but we do want an opportunity to be able to purchase health care insurance at an affordable rate. Thank you, President Obama and his team of good hearted politicians that are working for the good of the American people.
I urge the Republicans to please stop the nonsense efforts to repeal the health care reform program and concentrate on creating jobs to get our country moving forward.
Maria Mancias, Morgan Hill