Dear Editor:
Thank you, James Brescoll, for your enlightening lesson
(Letters, April 16) about Gilroy politics and Connie Rogers in
particular. I have lived in Gilroy since 1987, not long by some
standards, but long enough to be aware of Ms. Rogers’ political
Dear Editor:

Thank you, James Brescoll, for your enlightening lesson (Letters, April 16) about Gilroy politics and Connie Rogers in particular. I have lived in Gilroy since 1987, not long by some standards, but long enough to be aware of Ms. Rogers’ political activism. Her opposition to a Super-Duper Wal-Mart was, I thought, consistent with her consistently articulated advocacy for slow and carefully thought out growth in Gilroy. Imagine my surprise to learn it was part of a sinister plan to take control of the City Council and turn it into a tool for “outside-Gilroy” unions!

In addition, you forced me to reconsider my beliefs about Wal-Mart, a company that has systematically reduced the standard of living for their own employees as well as demanding reduced production costs from their overseas suppliers – in order to pass the savings on to you! Opposition to such a virtuous entrepreneur is downright “anti-Gilroy”, and only gets in our way as we valiantly fight to end the threat that “outside-Gilroy” unions pose to the well-being of our community (not to mention our search for savings!)

I am pleased that your letter didn’t waste time considering the long term effect Wal-Mart will have on this town, because time is money and if I want to waste my time thinking about stuff like that I might as well go shop at Macy’s or Nob Hill. Furthermore, you didn’t dwell on irrelevancies of history such as why unions became necessary and how their decline in influence has been inversely proportional to the increase in influence of the very rich. Such discussion would surely be “anti-Gilroy.”

To conclude, let me applaud your support for unrestrained growth and low prices. What else matters? If we are successful, future generations will not think of “Gilroy First!” as a subversive, “outside-Gilroy” union supporting organization – but that Gilroy was First in the race to the economic bottom!

Paul Ragan, Gilroy

Submitted Saturday, April 17 to [email protected]

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