Officers assisted Child Protective Services while they
investigated a report from a local preschool of possible child
abuse on Stoney Court, between 5 p.m. Sunday and 8:36 p.m. Monday.
During the investigation, it was learned that the mother hit her
son several times with a belt leaving several bruises on his arms,
legs and chest. The victim and his brother were placed into
protective custody.
Petty theft
A thief stole a bottle of whiskey from a store on First Street, 12:08 a.m. Monday.
A thief stole a wallet valued at $200 with $200 in cash and possibly attempted to use one of the stolen credit cards on Camino Arroyo, Thursday.
A thief or thieves stole a rear license plate, no. 2XIJ686, of a 1991 Pontiac on Welburn Avenue, 10:56 a.m. Sunday.
Two thieves stole a 24-pack of beer from a store on Leavesley Road, 1:26 p.m. Feb. 16. The clerk obtained the thieves’ license plate.
Commercial burglary
An unknown person cut the padlock off of the City of Gilroy water well house near IOOF Avenue and Monterey Street, 4:47 a.m. Saturday.
A burglar or burglars entered a business on Arroyo Circle and stole a pair of Ralph sunglasses valued at $89.95, 11:35 a.m. Saturday.
Vandals painted the exterior of the Gilroy Police Department on Hanna Street, 12:18 p.m. Monday
A person who was familiar to the victim cashed a money order for $870 on Old Gilroy Street between Feb. 4 and Monday. The money order was returned by the bank as being a counterfeit check.
Child abuse
Officers assisted Child Protective Services while they investigated a report from a local preschool of possible child abuse on Stoney Court, between 5 p.m. Sunday and 8:36 p.m. Monday. During the investigation, it was learned that the mother hit her son several times with a belt leaving several bruises on his arms, legs and chest. The victim and his brother were placed into protective custody.
Animal wefare
A resident reported an injured cat in her Church Street driveway, 7:04 p.m. Monday. The person did not know who the owner was. The cat was transported to San Jose for medical treatment.
Dog bite
A dog bit two other dogs while inside Petco on San Ysidro, 2:18 p.m. Saturday.
Gilroy Police investigated a disturbance on Monte Bello Drive, 9:17 p.m. Monday. They found a right front passenger window of a Mercury van smashed.
Lost property
Someone filed a report of lost property on Liman Avenue, Thursday.
Stolen vehicle
A thief or thieves stole a 1990 white Dodge on West Tenth Street, between 6:30 p.m. Thursday and 8 a.m. Friday.
A thief or thieves stole a 1991 white Honda on Monterey Street, between 3 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. Friday.
Someone bought a car with no license plates on it. The CHP did a VIN verification and found stolen parts on the car. The victim came to the GPD to report the incident, Sunday.
Residential burglary
A thief or thieves entered a residence on Princevalle Street through an unlocked garage window and took jewelry valued around $20,000, between 9:45 and 11:15 a.m. Friday.
A thief or thieves entered the residence on Starling Drive through an unlocked rear sliding door and took jewelry, one camera and one Berretta 9mm pistol with three empty 15-round magazines, between 5:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Friday.
A thief or thieves entered the residence on West Luchessa Avenue through a locked master bedroom window and removed personal documents, 9:25 a.m. Sunday. The documents were recovered several days later on the hood of the victim’s vehicle.
A thief or thieves entered a unlocked shed on Las Animas Court and stole two packs of Kirkland paper towels valued at $32, between 9 and 11 a.m. Thursday.
Found property
An unidentified person found several gold-colored chains on the sidewalk near the corner of Fifth and Monterey streets, Friday. The chains were booked into evidence for safekeeping.
An unidentified person turned in three VISA cards and one MasterCard found near Monterey and Ninth streets, 2:10 p.m. Feb. 16.
An unidentified person found money in a white envelope on Hanna Street, 3:30 p.m. Feb. 17.
A thief stole a Bank of the West debit card from an unidentified person’s car and used it at a Wal-Mart and at a gas station, Feb. 15.
Non-injury accident
Two cars collided near Kern and First streets, 6:35 p.m. Friday.
Sex registrant
An unidentified person registered as a sex offender on Hanna Street, Friday.
An unidentified person was battered by four males at 8955 Del Rio Circle, 1:40 a.m. Sunday. Two of the males allegedly displayed handguns prior to getting into a new model white pickup truck and driving away.
An assault case was reported on Hanna Street, 11:12 a.m. Sunday.
An unidentified person was slapped in the face during an argument on Kern Avenue, 4:40 p.m. Feb. 17. The slapped person had no visible injuries, but there was a complaint of pain. The slapped person and the unidentified suspect are married and have three children younger than 18.
Grand theft
An unidentified person had a large party at a residence on Gascony Court over the weekend. When the owner came home on Feb. 16, she noticed several items missing from her bedroom, including a $350 yellow and pink gold ring with “15” in the middle, miscellaneous rings with a total value of $550, an ATM card and $500 in cash.
A thief stole a purse on First Street, 4:21 p.m. Feb. 17. The Coach purse was valued at $500 and contained two VISA debit cards, a driver’s license, a Social Security card and a $300 BlueTooth PDA cell phone.
Injury accident
A cyclist was riding his bike without any lights while it was dark eastbound on the north side of First Street and crossing Wayland Avenue directly into the path of a vehicle, 6:45 p.m. Feb. 17. The cyclist was struck by the vehicle while it was stopping at the intersection and/or getting ready to drive off.
An unidentified person wrecked a vehicle on the front lawn of a home on Alexander Street, 10:57 a.m. Feb. 17.
A vandal entered a vacant home on Gaunt Avenue and spray painted the kitchen white, burned three kitchen drawers in the fireplace and threw a lawn mower in the pool. The house is owned by a bank and has been vacant for a month. The vandal entered through a rear bathroom window.