The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department arrested two men at a loud party on the 14400 block of Columbet Avenue at 10:08 p.m. on Saturday night when a riot ensued after deputies arrived.  

Israel Zamora, 20 of San Martin, was arrested for felony damage to a patrol vehicle, vandalism, resisting arrest, and for being drunk in public. Jose Zamora, 19 of San Martin, was also arrested for resisting arrest and for being in possession of marijuana.

When two deputies first arrived on the scene, Israel shouted obscenities at them and told them to leave. Deputies said that Israel, appearing drunk, took an aggressive fighting stance. A crowd came out from the house and swarmed the deputies, Sheriff’s Sgt. Jose Cardoza said.

Israel did not obey orders from deputies to step away from a van that he hid behind.

Israel and a woman then began to fight with each other. The scene became more chaotic, Cardoza said, when that woman fainted. Deputies attempted to evaluate her, but were unable to because Israel refused to step away from her, and deputies reported being afraid for their safety.

When another deputy arrived on the scene, they were able to handcuff Israel and took him to the patrol car, while he continued to yell and flail his arms. The crowd then swarmed the car, continuing to shout obscenities at both the deputies and each other.

At this point, emergency medical services arrived on the scene, as well as Morgan Hill Police, Gilroy Police, and the California Highway Patrol. Medics evaluated the woman that fainted.

Once in the car, deputies said that Israel pounded the backseat window of the patrol car, until it shattered. Reports indicate that Israel also damaged the car door.

Israel continued to yell uncontrollably while deputies placed him in a wrap to retrain his movement, and put him in another patrol car.

Meanwhile, a deputy pepper-sprayed several people in the crowd when they refused to take orders. When medics attended to Jose Zamora, one of the people who had been sprayed, they found him to be in possession of 10.7 grams of marijuana. Cardoza did not know if Jose and Israel are related.

Both Israel and Jose have since been released from custody.

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