Red Phone: Low branches need to be cut
music in the park, psychedelic furs

I live by the railroad tracks, and every day I watch six empty
train cars go by six times a day and at night.
“I live by the railroad tracks, and every day I watch six empty train cars go by six times a day and at night. I watch more empty trains going to Gilroy that are not even on the schedule. What a waste. No wonder there’s a deficit.”

Red Phone: Dear What a Waste, Red Phone’s not exactly sure how to respond. Sure, Caltrain has to close a $2.3 million deficit this year, and eliminating service to South County is one of the options to bridge that gap. But doing so will eliminate the service that hundreds rely on to get to work.

Not doing so will mean other cuts, such as eliminating weekend service, cutting staff at ticket offices and raising fares. This economy has wreaked havoc on counties, cities, school districts and public transportation agencies such as Caltrain. It sure puts the Caltrain board in a tough position.

If you want your voice heard, a public hearing will be held at 10 a.m. Oct. 7 at the Caltrain office, 1250 San Carlos Ave., San Carlos.

Good caller, since you didn’t ask a question, hope that answer sheds some light on the situation.

What do I do with a cat?

“I found a kitten in my yard and I can’t seem to find anywhere to take it. Would you know of any places that will accept this kitten?”

& Red Phone: Dear Cat Finder, Assuming the cat doesn’t have a collar, you can contact Town Cats in Morgan Hill at 779-5761 or you might want to check out the Cat Resource Center at 335-4357. Neither the Gilroy Police nor the county animal shelter accept stray cats because of limited storage space.

Garlic Fest needs to clean mess

“Why haven’t the Garlic Festival garbage cans been disposed of properly? I was recently out at the park and there was a pile of garbage cans from the festival piled up behind the red barn.”

Red Phone: Dear Pick Up The Trash, The Garlic Festival left those barrels there for people who might be able to make use of them to pick up for free. They can be used for hauling, storage – and yes – as garbage containers. But they will should only be there for a little while longer. The Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce is picking up some this week for the Taste of Morgan Hill and the rest are scheduled to be disposed of within a week by Recology, who the city contracts with for trash disposal, said Garlic Festival President Brian Bowe.

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