I live on Dowdy Street between Third and Fourth streets. We have
a grocery basket that’s been here in the street for two weeks. I
sure would like to have it picked up. Thank you.
“I live on Dowdy Street between Third and Fourth streets. We have a grocery basket that’s been here in the street for two weeks. I sure would like to have it picked up. Thank you.”
Dear Too Much to Do,
Although a grocery basket in the middle of the street may be unsightly, it is not something that needs to be handled by any authorized person.
If Red Phone understands correctly what you are referring to are those little grocery baskets that are no more than two feet in width and are very light in weight. Forgive Red Phone for any impertinence, but we wonder if it might not be quicker to just pick up the basket rather than setting off a chain of phone calls. Also, with the city staff about to be stripped down and crime on the rise, we’d hate to see police or city staff heading out to deliver a basket back to a store.
That said, you can report a lost cart to the City of Gilroy at 846-3500, who will then contact the company that owns it to haul it away.
Fire coverage wanted
“There was a Fire in Morgan Hill the morning of Jan. 15. The huge smoke column could be seen for miles. The house was completely destroyed and there was even fire engines from San Jose that came to help out.
I am just wondering why fires in this area get very little, to no, coverage at all in this newspaper. And the police blotter is filled with everything from someone stealing Nike shoes to someone else saying ‘liar liar pants on fire.’
What is really going on? Is it something personal against the fire department?”
Dear Watching the Fire,
You are correct that these fires are a big deal and should be covered but because this one happened in Morgan Hill, the Gilroy edition may not always have room to print the news of these.
The fire was covered adequately and can be seen as one of the stories on the front page of last week’s Jan. 16 edition in the Morgan Hill Times. Unfortunately, it happened too late Monday for us to get it in the Tuesday edition. However, it was up on both www.morganhilltimes.com and www. gilroydispatch.com by the end of the day. The story also appeared on page 8 of the Jan. 16 Dispatch.
To wit – no, we have nothing personal against the Morgan Hill Fire Department. The only reason we cannot print these stories in our edition is due to limited space in the paper. But, the stories, if proven relevant, are posted online.
You could always just pay a visit to our friends in Morgan Hill and pick up a copy of the Morgan Hill Times.
Banners around town annoying
“I know the banners are cheap, but what can our city do to clean up the look of our community? These banner signs in particular just create visual pollution and clutter to the point where you don’t notice ANY businesses.”
Dear Overwhelmed by Banners,
Red Phone assumes that everyone wants his or her city to look its best but sometimes people need to know about events and other things, regardless.
These signs are exempt from the sign permit requirements as long as they comply with the guidelines found in the Gilroy Zoning Ordinance.
“Briefly stated, that section limits their size to no more than 30 square feet each and limits the number of banners a business may display to three. Banners may be displayed for a period of 30 calendar days. Such signs shall not be replaced within 90 calendar days after removal,” said Scott Barron, code enforcement officer.
If you think someone is violating this code, call 846-0264 to report it.