– The search is on once again for a South County resident to
spend a year representing the garlic capital in its sister city of
Takko-Machi, Japan.
By Lori Stuenkel

Gilroy – The search is on once again for a South County resident to spend a year representing the garlic capital in its sister city of Takko-Machi, Japan.

This year’s Coordinator of International Relations, Jill Trekell, is accepting applications from young men and women who want to build relations between the two cities by teaching English and American culture classes, attending town events as a Gilroy representative, and accompanying Takko visitors to next year’s Gilroy Garlic Festival.

Trekell, a Gilroy High School graduate, was hired by the city of Takko-Machi last summer to act as coordinator during the exchange program’s 19th year.

“Takko has been an amazing experience, and one that I wouldn’t trade for anything,” Trekell wrote in a recent e-mail. “Coming right out of college, it was a great opportunity to realize what it is that I’m interested in doing in the future.”

The 2005-06 coordinator will visit Takko schools once each week to teach lessons, participate in play time, and eat lunch with the kindergarten students.

“It’s quite entertaining for them to watch how the (coordinator) uses chopsticks, and is a great way to see what Japanese children eat on a daily basis,” Trekell wrote.

The coordinator brings groups of Takko town officials and students on three separate visits to Gilroy, and also hosts the Garlic Queen and Gilroy Garlic Festival organizers when they make their annual trip to Takko-Machi.

Applications are due June 10, and those who are interested must have a Bachelor’s degree, be from Gilroy, Morgan Hill, or San Martin, enjoy teaching and working with children, and be independent, flexible, and self-motivated. No knowledge of the Japanese language is necessary.

“There are many benefits to being the (coordinator), beyond just the mere thought of living in a foreign country like Japan and being so welcomed by the Japanese people,” Trekell said.

The position’s salary starts at $30,000, with a one-year contract and the option of continuing for a second year. While living in Japan, the coordinator will receive medical benefits and a furnished apartment.

To apply, send a resume and one-page essay on your background and interest in the position to Jill Trekell at: ki****@hi****.jp, or fax to: 011-81-179-32-4294.

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