music in the park, psychedelic furs

Liberal democrats such as presidential hopeful John Kerry and
Sen. Ted Kennedy are adding unnecessary fuel to the fire with
regards to the war against terrorism in Iraq. Their criticism and
propaganda against President Bush shows that they root for the

Liberal democrats such as presidential hopeful John Kerry and Sen. Ted Kennedy are adding unnecessary fuel to the fire with regards to the war against terrorism in Iraq. Their criticism and propaganda against President Bush shows that they root for the terrorists.

They are quick to point out when a soldier falls and how many lives are lost in battle. What they are doing is playing up to the sympathy of the people to win votes and not in the best interest of our country.

The Democratic politicians have already forgotten 9-11. They criticize Bush for loss of jobs. The truth is the economy and jobs started slipping in 1998, way before Bush was voted in as president. The attack on 9-11 made matters worst. There is legislation before the Senate that would cut the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 5.25 percent on capital imported back into the United States. This tax cut would improve the economy and would help create jobs. This is President Bush’s way to cut taxes.

God bless the United States and our soldiers, who fight to keep us safe here at home.

Joe Sciabica, Gilroy

Submitted Monday, April 19

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