The Pacheco family took their bikes to their Pinecrest camping trip. Photo: Erin Pacheco
music in the park, psychedelic furs

I’m sitting at my laptop, basking in the memories of last week’s camping trip to the Sierras. My camping trips actually began when I was still in diapers; after that, yearly camp adventures were part of my life. But, that magic age came for us kids was when we could bring our bikes camping. Oh, the freedoms bicycles afforded!

I love it when readers submit pictures of how they’ve weaved bicycles into their camping trips. After all manner of recreational vehicles have been set up, bikes take over as the preferred mode of transportation. Riding around the campground, to the camp store, to the lake, to… wherever! Where do you like to take your bicycles camping?

Focusing on the month at hand, how’s your August going? Keep that sunscreen flowing! Hey, have you ever thought of getting involved with bicycle advocacy at a higher level? Does hobnobbing with leaders in transportation, government, nonprofits, as well as everyday bike fans appeal to you? Consider registering for the 13th Annual Silicon Valley Bike Summit, taking place Aug. 24 in Mountain View.

I usually try to wrap up my columns with something positive; this month, I must make an exception. A sad farewell to Nigel Mallison, who passed away last June. This multi-talented gentleman kept an amazing model railroad in his backyard which, nearly every August, was part of the South County Garden Railroad Tour. Nigel would send me the info, and I’d encourage readers to pedal on over for some incredible railroad fun. He will be truly missed.

Save the Dates

• Aug. 5: Marin Century/Mt. Tam Double, Novato,

• Aug. 6: Civilized Century, Redwood City,

• Aug. 24: Silicon Valley Bike Summit, Mountain View,

• Aug. 26: Ride to End Homelessness, Menlo Park,

• Aug. 27: Tour de Fox, virtual,

Curt “Cycle Guy” Hentschke is a cyclist, seeker, song farmer and scribe. Send your cycle celebrations and cerebration to he*********@gm***.com.

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