Matt Chavez recently won the ROP award as the student of the

– Matt Chavez, a senior at Gilroy High School, already knows
what he wants to spend the rest of his life doing – and it’s all
about digital design.
By Kelli Marshall Special to the Dispatch

Gilroy – Matt Chavez, a senior at Gilroy High School, already knows what he wants to spend the rest of his life doing – and it’s all about digital design.

Chavez was selected by South County Regional Occupational Program (ROP) District as “Student of the Year.” Chavez was nominated for this award by his (Digital Design) teacher Mark Carrick, for his outstanding efforts in the class – efforts that came easy for a student passionate about the field of digital design and animation, which he plans to pursue as an occupation.

“Its my best subject, and the most interesting class I’ve ever taken at Gilroy High,” said the tall, curly haired, Tom Cruise look-alike. “I enjoy doing it and I enjoy the teacher. I feel like I’m naturally talented at doing it.

The 18-year-old Chavez has bolstered his academic performance – earning a 3.1 grade point average throughout his high school career, but has excelled his senior year by posting a 4.0 GPA. He’s also diversified his interests. Chavez wrestled for five years but decided not to this year because he wanted to participate in the Senior Play, “Damn Yankees.”

“Gilroy High is third in the state (in wrestling). I really just couldn’t keep up; its very competitive,” Chavez said. In his spare time he enjoys hanging out with his friends and family who have been very supportive, he said.

“I definitely have to thank my best friend Adam Shore,” Chavez said. “He’s the one that persuaded me to take the [digital design] class at the end of my junior year. My girlfriend Sarah has always been there for me as well.”

The positive influences also include many of Chavez’ teachers.

“It is not enough to say that Matthew Chavez is competent, qualified and motivated, for he indeed is,” wrote Carrick in his letter nominating Chavez. “His attention is directed exactly at achievement. He is resilient, persistent, self actualizing, scrupulously honest and one of those rare wonderful, caring, compassionate human beings.”

Around the halls or in the offices at the high school, it’s not unusual to hear teachers tossing out such comments as, “He’s a great kid.”

Chavez was recently accepted to San Jose State University and plans to attend in the fall as an art major. Then he plans to apply for SJSU’s fine-arts program for digital media and submit his portfolio. Chavez said he plans on becoming an ROP teacher for digital art and on the side have a small independent business of digital design.

His extracurricular activities include the senior play and working at Pearl Izumi, which is a specialty cycling clothing store in the Gilroy Outlets. He also does a lot of volunteer work with local schools and agencies.

“Matt electronically organized and physically helped put together a new library at Antonio Del Buono elementary school,” Carrick said.

His efforts at Gilroy High and in the community are what earned Chavez “Student of the Year” laurels.

“I was very surprised to win because I didn’t know what my odds were,” Chavez said. “Mr. Carrick told me that I had been nominated by him and that I needed to write a small essay about myself and so I did. It was submitted and they called me for an interview to follow up. I showed them some of the work I had done on my laptop and they asked some general personal questions and told me on the spot that I had won. I feel very honored. I’m very grateful to have a teacher like Mr. Carrick.”

South County ROP district director Dave Matuszak said Chavez was selected out of several nominees. “He’s just a very well rounded young man.”

Chavez received his award Dec. 17 by the Santa Clara County Board of Education.

As for Chavez’ teachers and ROP director, they’re certain they haven’t heard the last of Chavez.

“We expect great things from him,” Matuszak said.

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