music in the park, psychedelic furs

Our View: THREE JEERS For Morgan Hill Mayor Dennis Kennedy who
delivered a


vote on an advisory tax measure that would primarly fund
BART-to-San Jose. The expense is outrageous, the ongoing upkeep
costs unbearable
The following organizations and individuals deserve either CHEERS or JEERS this week:

CHEERS: For the beginning of the downtown streetscape project. It’s exciting to think that in a year downtown Gilroy will have a whole new look. With the street closures and construction, there will be pain for local businesses. But let’s stay focused on the outcome: a refurbished downtown that will become a proud core for our city. And let’s make an extra effort to support the businesses downtown now. Buy flowers, shop for antique furniture, have lunch at Gilroy Bowl, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy a beer and a pizza at Happy Dog.

CHEERS: For the Mid-Cal Classic Wrestling Tournament at Gilroy High School this weekend. It’s one of the premiere tournaments in the state, and Gilroy High has a good shot at winning the whole enchilada for the first time in the tournament’s 26-year history. Given the numerous times GHS has fielded outstanding wrestling teams, that’s an amazing testament to how good this year’s team is. Saturday matches begin at 9:30am. If you like to see fantastic action, this is a great tournament to check out.

JEERS: For the news that three South County fire agencies are set to hire a consultant to figure out where to place new facilities to minimize expense and overlap. Regional planning is a great idea, but what’s with the consultant? Shouldn’t the fire chiefs and their staffs be able to handle this inquiry and deliver a report? The city administrator and the City Council should let Gilroy Chief Dale Foster know that this falls under his purview and that a consultant is an unnecessary expense to the city and its residents.

CHEERS: For all the new restaurants popping up all over Gilroy – Famous Dave’s, Chips ‘N Salsa, Armadillo Willy’s. It seems like the list of options just keeps growing.

JEERS: For the fact that Gilroy has the highest crime rate and the highest parolee rate in the county. The parolee rate is out of control. It’s more than double the next-closest city in the county (Morgan Hill). This should concern everyone since those with a criminal history are more likely to commit crimes. Is Gilroy the parolee dumping ground for Santa Clara County? Shouldn’t our City Council know exactly why this rate is so high?

CHEERS: For the Gilroy Unified School District, which will take advantage of an opportunity provided by the organization Teach for America, which recruits college graduates to teach in under-performing school districts. These young people sign up for a couple of years because they’re idealistic and dedicated. That energy and enthusiasm should make a positive contribution to GUSD staff and our students.

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