music in the park, psychedelic furs

The Krazy Koyote has become a serious community nuisance that
should be closed down
The following organizations and individuals deserve either CHEERS or JEERS this week:

CHEERS: For the Gilroy Police Department which is set to push for the closing of the Krazy Koyote bar. For whatever reasons, the bar has become a flashpoint for gang violence that taxes our police force and brings an unseemly crowd into our city. We shouldn’t tolerate it, and the police department shouldn’t have to be concerned every weekend night that shootings and stabbings are possible at the Krazy Koyote. It’s time to shutter the place.

JEERS: For the Santa Clara Valley Water District Board which has for years nurtured a fiscally irresponsible culture with its laissez faire attitude toward the staff. Now, when CEO Stan Williams sidesteps normal procedure by hiring a board member for a $184,000 per year job they react indignantly. Sig Sanchez and Rosemary Kamei, are right, of course. Williams did the wrong thing, but the blame for the lax state of affairs at the SCVWD lies squarely on their shoulders.

JEERS: For the news that Christopher Ranch has had to recall some fresh ginger from grocery store shelves. The ginger, gown in China, has an unapproved pesticide, aldicarb sulfoxide, in it. Our nation needs to ask itself, is there anything more important than maintaining the integrity of our food supply? Promoting policies that diminish our agriculture industries will come back to haunt us as we import more and more of our basic food supply.

CHEERS: For the memorial dedicated to conservationist Norm Watenpaugh that is now in place at the Wren Avenue entrance to the Uvas Levee. The memorial is an educational signpost identifying the many birds which live in the area. Watenpaugh provided nesting boxes for many of the birds as a volunteer. What a fitting tribute and a wonderful idea for the man who loved to walk and appreciate natural beauty.

JEERS: For the news that Shaboom may have played its last Garlic Festival. The good times rock ‘n’ roll band is spread out these days with the old coaching gang/musicians being retired, so getting them back is going to cost the festival more for travel expenses. If it turns out they can’t make the 30th festival, what can we say except … “Goodnight sweetheart, well, it’s time to go …”

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