Planning Commissioner Ermelindo Puente hit the nail on the
South Valley Community Church is asking the city to grant it Residential Development Ordinance allotments – housing permits – that it doesn’t have so that the church can build a new church, private school, and sports field.

So far the city has said no and we think they should hold firm on that position.

The church is asking for an exemption to allow it to build 15 homes that would require the city to amend the recently adopted Hecker Pass Specific Plan, which limits the total number of homes to 504 and allows small projects of less than 12 units to avoid the RDO process.

Church member Bob Costamagna said that without permission to build 15 homes, “We’re done.”

While we’re sympathetic to the school’s predicament, we think it’s more important to protect the rules that were established when the carefully crafted specific plan for the area that many rightfully call the “crown jewel” of Gilroy.

Planning Commissioner Ermelindo Puente was exactly right when he said, “The thing I don’t like is that we’re starting to open the door here [if an exception is granted]. Puente said.

One look at the domino effect that exemptions for Bonfante (now Gilroy) Gardens has had in our city should demonstrate the importance of enforcing planning rules. Exceptions, as we’ve said before, should be as rare as hen’s teeth.

The Planning Commission split 3-3 when this exemption request came before them late last month, meaning the decision must be made by City Council. It should appear on a council agenda in the very near future.

Planning Commissioner Joan Spencer said “I really felt bad voting against the church.” While we’re glad she made the right decision in the end, the fact that a church is making the request should have no bearing on any elected or appointed official’s decision in this matter.

As with all planning matters, the decision in this case must be made on the merits of the application, not on the affiliations, religious or otherwise, of the application’s backers.

Let’s heed the lessons that Bonfante Gardens has demonstrated. No exceptions for South Valley Community Church.

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