Dale Morej
ón (Letters – Oct. 23 and Oct. 25) shows creative proof that one
Torture numbers, and they’ll confess to anything
– (Greg Easterbrook – The New Republic). His conjectures are
only part of the Measure I shuck–and–jive: why else his assault
against opposing voices?
Dale Morejón (Letters – Oct. 23 and Oct. 25) shows creative proof that one can “Torture numbers, and they’ll confess to anything” – (Greg Easterbrook – The New Republic). His conjectures are only part of the Measure I shuck–and–jive: why else his assault against opposing voices?
Those voices “propose no method of funding for the increase in Gilroy’s student population;” and they “wish to distract the voters from the crux of the public school building problems.” Consider, Mr. Morejón: The last three statements can be applied to Measure I supporters, who’ve given Gilroy voters little based in reality but much steeped in misinformation. Why? To cover up the long years of indifference to, and avoidance of, the growing problems GUSD Board members and school “leadership” have ignored.
Mr. Morejón brings out a well–worn cliché: “I would prefer to build schools with today’s cheaper dollars than wait … constructing schools that inevitably will be more costly.” Maybe you would prefer that but it doesn’t matter to GUSD’s “leaders.” They don’t care about construction prices, Mr. Morejón. When they’re gotten money from resident’s pockets in the past, they’ve shown neither respect for the source nor responsibility to be frugal. They want the money and, if promising voters repairs/up–grades/ maintenance/improvements will get it, that’s what they’ll say.
They aren’t saying why Gilroy’s disintegrated schools have been allowed to deteriorate? They aren’t explaining how their mismanagement of GUSD monies throughout the years has brought about Gilroy schools’ lack of on–going maintenance. They’ll not discuss the many ways they waste GUSD monies at the expense of students’ needs.
The problem IS disintegrating schools, Mr. Morejón, and it IS a disintegrated “leadership” steeped in mismanagement, fiscal irresponsibility and a gross indifference to student needs. Measure I’s passage won’t improve this – it will only encourage continued irresponsibility.
Why the desperate tactics: expensive brochures repeating misleading promises (does the voter believe ALL Measure I monies will remain in Gilroy when the “leadership” is already paying out–of–town consultants? And those brochures? Printed/mailed via San Jose?)
Until this “leadership”: answers the many unanswered questions concerning their spending habits; shows openness in discussing their conduct and a willingness to work towards the students’ best interest, they don’t deserve what Measure I will take from Gilroy citizens. They’ve failed to honor past bond measures: there’s absolutely no indication they’d fulfill the promises of this bond issue. The answer is easy, Mr. Morejón – vote NO on Measure I.
James Brescoll, Gilroy
Submitted Monday, Oct. 28