music in the park, psychedelic furs

I am extremely organized and always plan my work carefully. I
know exactly which tasks I must complete every day in order to meet
my deadlines.

I am extremely organized and always plan my work carefully. I know exactly which tasks I must complete every day in order to meet my deadlines. The problem is that my boss constantly comes up with ad hoc requests and expects me to immediately drop whatever I’m doing to focus on his latest whim.

Instead of rewarding this impulsive behavior, I usually put his requests aside until I can work them into my schedule. He doesn’t like this, so he has given me a bad performance review. I really can’t figure out how to work with him.


As long as you’re in this job, I’m afraid you will need to loosen up a bit. Telling your boss that you’ll get around to his requests when your schedule allows is not too politically bright. Although you clearly believe you are right and he is wrong, the fact is that the two of you simply have different work styles.

This particular personality difference is actually quite common. Highly structured people like to create detailed plans well in advance, while more spontaneous folks come up with new ideas at the eleventh hour. These two types routinely drive each other crazy.

The key point here, however, is that he’s the one doing your performance review, not the other way around. If he views you as obstructive, you are not likely to get a good rating. Given your talent for planning, the obvious solution is to start including time in your schedule for his predictable last-minute requests.


I feel fairly certain that I’m not being paid what I am worth. When I was hired by this startup company, the salary offer seemed quite low for someone with a master’s degree. I only accepted because asking for money makes me very uncomfortable.

Now I feel even more underpaid because I have been given so many responsibilities.

I know that start-up employees are expected to perform a wide range of duties, and I’m certainly gaining valuable experience. Nevertheless, I can’t help resenting my minimal paycheck. How can I correct this?


Fair or not, when it comes to pay, “squeaky wheels” usually get the bigger bucks. This may be particularly true in start-up companies, where compensation policies tend to be rather flexible. Although your anxiety about asking for money is not unusual, you will need to become more assertive if you hope to rectify this situation.

Before requesting a salary review, arm yourself with information verifying that your pay is indeed below the market level. For data specific to your industry and geographic area, consult your professional association or visit salary comparison websites.

Because confidence sells, you should also explain how your work is adding value for the company. If you get turned down, don’t slink away in embarrassment. Instead, politely ask when you might be considered for an increase, then renew your request at the suggested time.

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